Hello, I'm new here!


New Member
May 15, 2016
Hiya, I'm Sue and we live in Wiltshire in the UK. I have two tortoises. 1 Hermann's (Bertie) and 1 Sulcata (Rosie Petal). Bertie, I've had since 2008 and he was a rescue so I don't know any history or age. What I do know is that he is quite cheeky and loves the top of his tickled and certainly knows me and my voice. He can be hidden in the garden and I call him from the door and he will come out and make his way to me. In the winter he is safely sleeping indoors. Rosie Petal she was 8 weeks old when I got her and that was 2009. She follows Bertie and Bertie follows her around. Quite a double act. Rosie is now bigger than Bertie and heavier. Obviously, as time goes by I will have to watch how she behaves towards him and there may be a time to keep them in separate enclosures. But for now that are friends. I have just built them a new dig proof and safe enclosure. I dog have three dogs running around. Even though they have never ever bothered with the tortoises I just want them safe for when I'm at work. I've looked through the posts and realise there is always something new to learn and ideas to be shared. So I really looking forward to being part of the group. ImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1463383612.858721.jpgImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1463383628.712901.jpgImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1463383641.912618.jpgImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1463383658.430220.jpgImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1463383674.031918.jpgImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1463383689.056601.jpgImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1463383709.632994.jpgImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1463383723.104596.jpg


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Hello and welcome :) I'm in Kent.

Have you read the care guides for your tort species on here?

Your two will definitely have to be separated in future. Please understand that torts are not social and they don't do friends. Another tort is simply competition for food and territory.

Sulcatas can be particularly aggressive and could potentially kill your Hermann's - it doesn't take long for them to reach 10 times the weight of a Hermann's.

@Lyn W has a sulcata in Wales and can advise you on those

You are right to keep your dogs away. We have had too many posts on here where friendly family pets have decided to experiment with a tortoise chew toy :(

Here's the stuff I think would be useful to you:

How to raise a healthy sulcata

Hermann's care guide



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I'm surprised the size difference isn't already quite extreme given the age of your sulcata. That could be a near 100 lb animal by now.

I don't think you should wait on separating them. There are far too many stories of serious injury between tortoises that appeared to be on friendly terms.

What do you do for them in the winter? Your two species have such different needs. They don't live together all year, do they?


New Member
May 15, 2016
Thanks for your info and comments above. I do cater and care for the tortoises for their individual needs and as I have had them a few years now and are getting the all clear from our reptile vet I think I am getting most things right. Rosie the sully is doing just right for her age according to the vet again. She has a very strong she'll and good weight behind her. She loves her food and has a really good varied diet.

I did say I would be separating them. At the moment in the garden they are very happy together. They have lots of different grazing areas with lots of food in each spot. They both love the rock pool to stand in and drink etc. So at the moment there is no need for them to worry about food or competition.

Enjoy the sunshine those that are in the uk. I wish everyone well.

Yvonne G

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Welcome to the Forum, Sue!

It's just that we've all heard and read the horror stories about keeping different species of tortoise together. Good luck with that. I hope you don't have to learn the hard way too.

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