New Box Turtle Enclosure


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
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I was blessed to grow up on this beautiful property that includes a patch of woods in the back. All me, my siblings and cousins ever did growing up was play hide n seek back here and tight rope over the empty koi pond.

It's time I utilized it.
For years, the box turtles have lived in front of the tree line to the woods, but this year i decided why not put them inside.(The cross is from a tort I had that passed suddenly years ago.)
I know they'd appreciate it more. I have thirteen posts to put in the ground today. I decided to incorporate some of the trees themselves into the enclosure.We're getting slammed with rain later tonight carrying into three days. I can at least have them in the ground to get started. Right now the box turtles are still in their brumation box so I should be done by the time they wake up next week. I'm a one man show, but my excitement keeps me going.
Originally, it was my dream to use this pace for redfoots. The entire thing, but I knew I'd have to figure out their living arrangements for winter as I don't have a shed to insulate just yet. My neighbor said I could have hers, but it would take a crew and machinery to get it, but one day?
There's also a koi pond built in the 60s I've yet to touch. My koi are still in the house. I have the liner, I just have to build the filtration. I'm looking into some sort of solar power as it's far from the house. Gonna get some cameras and lights soon. I'll update you guys on the progress.


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Wow, the Boxies are going to think they got away once in there. How fun to build the enclosure. I love doing that.
Whenever you do get to the RF, just remember that portable heaters are not to be plugged into extension cords. You'll have to run electric to the shed if you can't winter them inside.
Keep us posted on the progress. One exiting day when you get to put them in


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
Wow, the Boxies are going to think they got away once in there. How fun to build the enclosure. I love doing that.
Whenever you do get to the RF, just remember that portable heaters are not to be plugged into extension cords. You'll have to run electric to the shed if you can't winter them inside.
Keep us posted on the progress. One exiting day when you get to put them in
Thanks for the heads up. Sounds like a job for the family electrician...If we can ever get him to work😂


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I can't wait to see it ...

NorCal tortoise guy

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I was blessed to grow up on this beautiful property that includes a patch of woods in the back. All me, my siblings and cousins ever did growing up was play hide n seek back here and tight rope over the empty koi pond.

It's time I utilized it.
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For years, the box turtles have lived in front of the tree line to the woods, but this year i decided why not put them inside.(The cross is from a tort I had that passed suddenly years ago.)
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I know they'd appreciate it more. I have thirteen posts to put in the ground today. I decided to incorporate some of the trees themselves into the enclosure.We're getting slammed with rain later tonight carrying into three days. I can at least have them in the ground to get started. Right now the box turtles are still in their brumation box so I should be done by the time they wake up next week. I'm a one man show, but my excitement keeps me going.
View attachment 369010
Originally, it was my dream to use this pace for redfoots. The entire thing, but I knew I'd have to figure out their living arrangements for winter as I don't have a shed to insulate just yet. My neighbor said I could have hers, but it would take a crew and machinery to get it, but one day?
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There's also a koi pond built in the 60s I've yet to touch. My koi are still in the house. I have the liner, I just have to build the filtration. I'm looking into some sort of solar power as it's far from the house. Gonna get some cameras and lights soon. I'll update you guys on the progress.
View attachment 369014
I will enjoy fallowing along! I’m building a new box turtle pen right now as well.


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Dec 31, 2015
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Predators? Won't the local possums and racoons soon figure out there is an abundance of turtles?

Cool place....I grew up in the woods too....neat!
i'd suggest an electric fence/wires....... trees in the enclosure can be an issue if they are able to move from tree to tree.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2021
Location (City and/or State)
I'm done...for the most part. I still have to go along the perimeter, trim posts and dig a pond. I did however run into a few issues.

First the ground. I mentioned this place was a wonderland in the 60s. We have an old photo of it before it went down hill in the 90s, but I can't find it. I digress.

There's a path of bricks that make a trail throughout the woods, so I couldn't dig.
We have a jack hammer here, but it's missing parts. Then I remember a tree we had to cut down because it posed a power line threat. I beat myself up for being lazy and not cutting the stump, but it came in handy. I used them as posts to keep the dream alive.
Lastly I borded everything up.20240418_135146.jpg turned out okay. Just have to wait for cameras to come in. And get this pond dug.
And trim the post. The males instantly started combating and trying to mate with females.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
It's coming along very nicely and I love that knocked off your game, your thinking was flexible and allowed another solution. There's ALWAYS another way, isn't there?

Looking good!

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