Need some baby RT advice

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Feb 25, 2011
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A cement mixing tray would work very well for a Russian hatchling. You can cover part with a small piece of wood for a hiding area. Hatchings do tend to hide and burrow more, because that is the smart thing to do in the wild to avoid becoming someone's meal.
Or you can use the 20 gal tank for now, as long as you can get the temps right. I like Kanalomele's idea of socializing them, since they will be interacting with you for a long time.

Laurie's advice is spot on. Hatching or adult Russians do need a temperature change from night (60's-or whatever your house is at night)) with a nice warm basking spot during the day.

Kanalomele, you are lucky. My Russians have never voluntarily climbed in their water bowls, if if they did, it was rarely.
Soaking a hatchling RT who is kept inside, on a daily basis, is a good idea.


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It was joeimhof that somehow has his babies convinced to soak themselves, can't imagine how... Mine are definitely of the forced soaking type... Sigh. But I usually soak mine outside in the sunshine as well. We are still in the high 80s here in Cali, so the natural UV is wonderful for them. I converted a rabbit cage for them so I can securely leave them outside for a few hours at a time.
I would never force a wc tort into a tank, or even an adult. It might be to much stress for them. But for my hatchlings who will always be pets, I think its great. So thanks for that.


5 Year Member
Nov 6, 2009
kanalomele said:
It was joeimhof that somehow has his babies convinced to soak themselves, can't imagine how...

Yeah, I dont know how, I didnt do anything, he just does it!

But I'm with you in that my adults never do. I also have never seen my adults eat the cuttlebone, but my baby Skittles is crunching it most every day. Maybe he's just likes to be


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OK... cute overload.

He will love his new home. Coir really helps hold moisture in the substrate; love the combination of soil and coir.
About once a week, add some water and mix it up to keep it moist (not sopping wet, of course).


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I like it! More importantly, looks like he likes it. Very cute first pic of him basking.

Will you add some fake plants? You could stick them right in the middle in a couple of places (avoid putting too many things against the walls so he doesn't use them to climb out).

Bobo's Dad

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Yeah Lyn I am picking up some leafy vines tomorrow. He seems really happy he roamed around for an hour "doing" everything in his habitat eating, trying the hides, basking, sprinting ha ha, laying on his patio. What I like is the constant 70• in the cold end and constant 93• in the basking. I will be turning the lamp off for the night. I need to get him on a schedule.


Bobo's Dad

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Aug 25, 2012
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Louisville, Ohio
Quick question anyone know why my baby rt kinda bobs his head every few seconds some times. He raises his front legs at the same time he bobs. I owned a redfoot 4 in for a few weeks. I remember him doing the same motion its like hic ups


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yoyoyod said:
Quick question anyone know why my baby rt kinda bobs his head every few seconds some times. He raises his front legs at the same time he bobs. I owned a redfoot 4 in for a few weeks. I remember him doing the same motion its like hic ups

That's normal, it's just him breathing. They sometimes kind if "pump" their legs to move air in/out of their lungs. Enclosure looks good :)
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