Need aldabra care sheet


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Jun 24, 2014
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I did a lot of research on Aldabra and Galapagos because I too really wanted one of the 2 species. Because of many factors, me being new to tort ownership, the price difference in them, and the lack of consistent info on the care needs, I finally decided on a Sulcata. During my research I came across many places breeding and selling Aldabra. But only one stood out to me as excellent. Florida Iguana and tortoise in ft lauderdale fl. Their torts are gorgeous, happy, healthy, they have a great guarantee and their price is also the lowest I found. I may be wrong but
Aldabraman on this forum is the same guy I think. Perhaps he could be persuaded to make one. He seems to be the most knowledgable one on the subject. They are very handy. Tom made one on Sulcata/leopard torts and that's what I have decided to use as my guidelines for raising my sulcata's. (THANKS TOM!!) Of course I have to reread it every 3 days but that's just memory issues on my part. I believe if U are going to take on the responsibility of raising something that is solely dependent On u for it's well being u need to have the best, reliable info u can have and I would want advise from the best source possible, someone that has actually raised them, not just done some 6-8 wk research in the field and well, from what everyone says, Aldabraman is this person and if he is the same guy running the Florida iguana facility the proof in on their website. If I was going to raise an Aldabra he's the one I would want to purchase from and get my info from. Who knows, if I do good with the quads, I might just have to become an Aldabra owner as well. :)

Yvonne G

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Sorry...there isn't a care sheet on that species.



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Actually, Aldabraman is not the same as Florida iguana and Aldabramans are the only ones I have ever seen smooth, he does it right. Hopefully he will chime in here, but from what I have seen, hot and humid like the leopard and sulcatas will work for raising a smooth healthy Aldabra. Lots of room and exercise and lots of grazing. Soakings are also done for them. I will see if Greg (ALDABRAMAN) will confirm. @ALDABRAMAN
Good luck


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Jun 24, 2014
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Actually, Aldabraman is not the same as Florida iguana and Aldabramans are the only ones I have ever seen smooth, he does it right. Hopefully he will chime in here, but from what I have seen, hot and humid like the leopard and sulcatas will work for raising a smooth healthy Aldabra. Lots of room and exercise and lots of grazing. Soakings are also done for them. I will see if Greg (ALDABRAMAN) will confirm. @ALDABRAMAN
Good luck
Ya right after I wrote the thread I went on the site and found that that guys name is Sam. Lol. I haven't seen any of Aldabraman torts but am very interested now that I realize I am speaking of 2 different people. I was seriously considering purchasing an Aldabra and doing the research on breeders just as I did my quads and if I can follow Toms care sheet for the most part, great.


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We have no affiliation with Sam of Florida Iguana. He imports and brokers aldabras, breeds other misc. species of tortoises, and iguanas. He is located on the East coast of Florida and we are located on the West. Seems many get our programs confused. We are actual breeders. I have been to Sams facility and met some of his help. They are diverse and Sam seems to have a great knowledge base regarding medicinal issues involving tortoises.

I currently do not know of any decent published care sheets for the aldabra species! I would think anyone selling you an aldabra would provide lifetime support and direction!
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If I were you and ALDABRAMAN has any for sale, that would be your best started baby I feel you will find. He lives in Florida, where it's hot and humid and he has smooth torts, so I would think that's a great start.


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Jun 24, 2014
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If I were you and ALDABRAMAN has any for sale, that would be your best started baby I feel you will find. He lives in Florida, where it's hot and humid and he has smooth torts, so I would think that's a great start.
I totally agree. I am totally interested in his baby's. I have read his threads and what others have wrote and I agree, I don't think I cod find any better Aldabra baby.


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Jun 24, 2014
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We have no affiliation with Sam of Florida Iguana. He imports and brokers aldabras, breeds other misc. species of tortoises, and iguanas. He is located on the East coast of Florida and we are located on the West. Seems many get our programs confused. We are actual breeders. I have been to Sams facility and met some of his help. They are diverse and Sam seems to have a great knowledge base regarding medicinal issues involving tortoises.

I currently do not know of any decent published care sheets for the aldabra species! I would think anyone selling you an aldabra would provide lifetime support and direction!
I would be interested (and I'm sure many others as well) to read a care sheet you put out. I took sometime after I realized my mistake in identity and browsed pics you have posted. Gorgeous gaints you have. They look very healthy and happy as well. Around what time of the year do you usually have baby's? And do u sell them smaller 4"? I haven't really seen anything advertised under that size so I didn't know if that's just a safe size to let them go at or if that's usually the size they r when it's time for them to go to new homes or what the deal was on that. I seen an ad that said 4" is legal pet size, which applies to them all, but if a person didn't mind them being for "educational/research" purposes, could they b sold at smaller sizes? I measured my quads today and they range from
1 3/4"-41/2", 37G-57G so I can imagine the difference in 4-5" and 200-300G. Amazing. And how much different is their care from a sulcata? I live by Toms care sheet when it comes to mine, and if I question anything, I'm here posting pics and questions for everyone to help me do better. And yes the breeder I got my sullys from offers (and gives frequently) lifetime support. That's one part of the purchase that is priceless for me. One email and either my worries are laid to rest or I'm on my way to fixing the issue. Priceless.


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do u sell them smaller 4"?

* We offer the majority of our hatchlings at about thirty days old. At that age of development they are right at three inches. The reason you see the majority on the retail markets offered at four inches is because that is the smallest size that can be legally import into the US from the two major overseas commercial farms.



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* We offer the majority of our hatchlings at about thirty days old. At that age of development they are right at three inches. The reason you see the majority on the retail markets offered at four inches is because that is the smallest size that can be legally import into the US from the two major overseas commercial farms.

View attachment 89717
Ok, that pic is too much, cute cute cute. He is just the cutest thing. I kinda figured the whole 4" thing had something to do with legal issues. So I am signing up for some overtime and warning the guys at Lowes, I'm going to need more building supply's. Thank god I went ahead and have my spare room to my torts, we going to have another addition hopefully!!

Yvonne G

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Please - let's don't derail J Wiediyanto's thread about a care sheet for Aldabran tortoises. If anyone is interested in buying one of Greg's babies, please contact him personally.



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Jun 24, 2014
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Please - let's don't derail J Wiediyanto's thread about a care sheet for Aldabran tortoises. If anyone is interested in buying one of Greg's babies, please contact him personally.

Sorry, back to topic. Is there a care sheet for Aldabra that anyone would recommend? Or perhaps a reliable site to go to, do some research?


Aug 30, 2017
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Northern California
Please - let's don't derail J Wiediyanto's thread about a care sheet for Aldabran tortoises. If anyone is interested in buying one of Greg's babies, please contact him personally.


Hi @Yvonne G I noticed that you have aldabras in California and I was wondering if you think they can be successfully raised in CA. I have noticed most people with them live in Florida with high humidity. I am trying to decide between a sulcata and aldabras. I like that aldabras can be kept in groups unlike sulcatas. However I am concerned with the lack of good information for raising them. I am about a year away from purchasing a tortoise so I have some time to research and make sure I have a proper hatchling enclosure prepared. Any information you could provide or advise would be greatly appreciated!


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Jul 2, 2014
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Care Recommendations for Aldabra.

Disclaimer : I have only been raising an Aldabra for 3 years - and only one. There are certainly much more experienced keepers available. This information is an amalgamation of experience & research. Take it as such. I welcome corrections and/ or additions. No ego here :)


They get LARGE fast. 250lbs+ for females 550+ for males on average at full maturity ( though there is a 700 pounder in Ft Worth Zoo. Have been known to live 150 yrs +, some over 200. They don't reach sexual maturity till 20 yo.

You can expect a 15-25 lb tortoise in as little as 3 yrs old.

They evolved in the Atolls , in the Seychelles Islands. An extremely diverse and rugged landscape. Temps stay warm , averaging 80f year round with 80% humidity. Foods available vary depending on rain & time of year.
Young ( up to 2 yrs old ). Temp range from 75-100. Need basking area of 95f, cool area of no less than 75. Keep warm.

Humidity of 80% ideal. Keep the hide humid. Provide sprinklers / soaking pond in hot weather. Do not let them dehydrate.

As they age they can tolerate wider differences. But need an enclosed heated area of 75-90f always. Do not leave out when temps drop below 65f. ( lure a big one in with a strawberry )

Caveats: They can sit out and bask in the sun at 60f even 50f, & will , as their shell absorbs heat from the sun.

Much the same as Sulcata. Grazing weeds & grasses should be 90% of their diet. They are opportunistic feeders & eat a variety of healthy plants; mulberry tree leaves, Cactus pads, thistle , hibiscus, grape leaves, dandelion , purslane - all good. Many more. There are lists available of edible plants.

Mazuri tortoise food 1x / week is good for variety. They can also eat - occasionally - watermelon, squash, a boiled egg ( shell & all) ,strawberry, Spring Mix, Aloe. They also eat orchard grass. This can be bought by the bale or bag at feed stores.

Sprinkle calcium powder once a week on a favorite pile.

Aldabra when young tend to be shy. It takes them awhile to get used to us humans. However they instinctively respond to a rubbing of shell by standing & seems to relish having their necks rubbed. This is an evolved trait from birds standing on them , and picking parasites off the skin when they stand & stretch out their necks.
Like any animal , they will habituate to your interactions.

In general , Aldabras tend to get along well in groups. They can be seen in their natural habitat in herds when particular plants are in an area. They have few natural predators, so they do not fear other animals when large. Dogs , cats , raccoons , possum , rats etc can kill or maim them. So in the first years till big they need protection. Do not mix with other type tortoise.

Keep fresh water always available. Soaking is vital when young as their shell is growing fast. Every day for 20 min in 85-95f water best. A shallow container like a plant saucer they can climb in & out of works well for drinking. Water containers sunk level with ground work best. When a bit larger you can use a plastic catch tray ( made for under a water heater ). Larger still , a kiddie pool. Larger still ? A pond with gentle slopping sides.
Sprinklers help if in a dry climate and hot. They must have a shady place to get out of the sun. I still soak my 3yo+ about 3x/week.

They are not diggers like the Sulcata. But they will dig down in the dirt to get their plastron into it. They are bulldozers like any large tortoise. The fence must be strong / sturdy. Something they can't see through like wood or concrete. If they can see through they think they can get through & will try. They need shade and a hide.

There are many other things I could say but in general if you've raised a Leopard or Sulcata it is not much different. Aldabra are a hearty species , curious & resilient. If I could emphasize the need for hydration / humidity & food variety ( with calcium ) more I would. They grow so fast these cannot be ignored.


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Jul 2, 2014
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NOTE : @ALDABRAMAN is working on a much more detailed definitive care sheet for young Aldabra. This will undoubtably supperseed any info I've posted here.
Look for it when he gets done. :)