my sulcata (Sheldon)

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Apr 16, 2012
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okay so i got him 5 days ago and hes so cute i just love him so much! he is about 2 inches long but i dont know how old he is and would like to find out. he acts normal bur maybe its just my paranoia that he is sick, does he look healthy??? also how can you tell whether it is a male or female tort when its so small or do you have to wait till hes bigger???


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Apr 1, 2012
He is sooooo young, be sure to soak him often and supplement calcium, but be sure to keep him moist. Being that small I would suggest twice a day. Just deep enough that he doesn't have to hold his head up. I'm sure Tom and the others will give you much more and better info shortly


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Apr 16, 2012
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thank you i have a little pool i put him in but he doesnt like to stay in the water long and crawls out. i have powder calcium i put on his food and i take him in the actual sun as often as i can plus a cutlebone. do you know how young he is???


The Dog Trainer
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Apr 1, 2012
Also to answer your question, I have seen people ask about sexing on here and it seems to be a coin toss. Even for MUCH older torts its always a 50/50 split, I've read pages of debate on torts 15 years old.


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Apr 16, 2012
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okay thank you everytime i put him in some water he tries to get out should i make him stay in until a half hour has passed???


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samiburke said:
okay thank you everytime i put him in some water he tries to get out should i make him stay in until a half hour has passed???

Some torts love baths, some hate them. The anti-brigade can usually be encouraged to relax and enjoy. Establishing a routine where the same things happen at the same time each day helps to reduce stress.

I suggest the morning goes something like: lights on, heat on, soak, feed...

My soaking tips are:
1. Soak first thing before your tort has warmed up properly to reduce escape attempts.
2. Use a high sided bowl or box so your tort can't see out
3. Use enough warm (not hot) water to just come over your tort's plastron (undershell). Get the temperature right and your not-warmed-up tort is more likely to lounge and absorb the heat.
4. Soak for a good 20 minutes. Don't worry if you don't see him drink; torts can absorb water through the skin. The length of soak is important.
5. Your tort may wee and/or poop in the water - it's more likely to concern you than him. You can change the water if it's truly disgusting. Don't worry if your tort eats his poop; it's said to improve gut flora!
6. Feed straight after the soak. Joe is always hungriest straight after his.


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Dec 4, 2011
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Yes leave him in for at least 20 min. Make sure the water stays warm. To keep my water warm longer i cover my soaking bowls with foil and leave a little space to see my torts, then they calm down and dont move much due to a darker more peaceful enviroment. But if they try and get out its ok and it actually encourages a bowel movement which usually occurs during soaks which is normal.


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Apr 16, 2012
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ah okay thank you all so much :D should i heat the water in the mocrowave first because i have been giving room temp bottled water. is this bad??? he seems to like it its a little on the cooler side but not cold. and i put him under the heat lamp too to make sure he doesnt get too cold. like i said he seems to enjoy it because he likes to do laps around the container i have him in.


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Apr 1, 2012
The microwave should never come into the equation, at all, ever, under any circumstances. For drinking water I just use unchilled bottled water. And for the soak I use only slightly warm water from the tap.


The Dog Trainer
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The soaking water needs to be warm, not hot, not room temp. I like it between 85-95. It needs to be a tall sided container that he can't climb out of, but the water should be shallow. When you said laps, I hope you meant walking laps and not swimming laps...

20 minutes is enough, but 30 or 40 won't hurt anything.


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Welcome, you wont be able to sex it uptill its much larger.
Unless you go and pay for a test at the vet

Maggie Cummings

Soaking twice a day is not necessary. Most torts drink within the first 10 minutes if they are gonna drink, so a 15 minute or 20 minute soak is enough. Use a high sided bowl that he can't climb out of, then in his habitat use a shallow dish that he might drink out of when you're not looking. The warm tap water should go up to the bridge, that where the top and bottom shells meet. If you keep the soak to 15 minutes you don't have to worry about reheat...


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He's a cute sulcata!! I do think his face looks very dry. Make sure you keep the humidity up (but make sure the temps are at least 80deg) and do soaks throughout the day. Give him access to drinking water as well.


5 Year Member
Nov 28, 2011
samiburke said:
okay thank you everytime i put him in some water he tries to get out should i make him stay in until a half hour has passed???

Put him in a dish with high edges. I put mine in a Tupperware dish to soak. Keep him in there for 20-30 mins, make sure the water is nice and warm and take him out of he poops.

Also, Sheldon might be named Shelly later in life. Are you a Big Bang Theory fan?

Baby Torty

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Jul 17, 2012
Joesmum, very detailed and informative!!! That's always better for us newbies!! Thks!!!


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Sep 27, 2012
JoesMum.....Should I soak my russian tortoise everyday?? He is sleeping all the time, and I saw another poster got great results on waking her little guy up with a good soak (thanks to your advice!)
I HAVE been soaking my guy a couple of times a week, but not for your recommended time. I will soak him longer tomorrow! But I ask, should I do it every day to keep him active and not sleeping all day??
Thank you so much for any help!!

JoesMum said:
samiburke said:
okay thank you everytime i put him in some water he tries to get out should i make him stay in until a half hour has passed???

Some torts love baths, some hate them. The anti-brigade can usually be encouraged to relax and enjoy. Establishing a routine where the same things happen at the same time each day helps to reduce stress.

I suggest the morning goes something like: lights on, heat on, soak, feed...

My soaking tips are:
1. Soak first thing before your tort has warmed up properly to reduce escape attempts.
2. Use a high sided bowl or box so your tort can't see out
3. Use enough warm (not hot) water to just come over your tort's plastron (undershell). Get the temperature right and your not-warmed-up tort is more likely to lounge and absorb the heat.
4. Soak for a good 20 minutes. Don't worry if you don't see him drink; torts can absorb water through the skin. The length of soak is important.
5. Your tort may wee and/or poop in the water - it's more likely to concern you than him. You can change the water if it's truly disgusting. Don't worry if your tort eats his poop; it's said to improve gut flora!
6. Feed straight after the soak. Joe is always hungriest straight after his.
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