My new Cherryhead "Eddie" is a terror on four legs

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10 Year Member!
Jan 4, 2009
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Alhambra, CA
Today we reorganized Ruby and Eddie's enclosure. I put two hides in there just in case Eddie wanted to sleep by himself. Well after feeding them (fruit day) I left and when I came back and Eddie was in his water dish soaking himself. About 15 minutes later I came back and there lays Eddie straight on his back in the middle of nothing. I quickly turned him over and he just sat for a while like he was dazed. I sat down and decided to watch to see if he would do what he did before and yes there he went trying to find the door of the hide, but he was on the wrong side. He was trying to climb up the plastic shoe box and must have fallen backwards. I tell you this little tortoise is a boy and what a terror he is going to be. I can just tell (after raising 4 boys of my own). :D Then I put him in his water dish and yep there he goes again trying to climb out of the dish right up the second hide (which is a half log) and what happens next, he gets stuck between the water dish and the hide. Well the hide came out and I tried to level the stuff (moss and mulch) on the outside of their other hide. I showed him the front door of their hide and hopefully this won't happen again. I was a little freaked out when I saw him like that though. Now I do have a question. How long can a baby tortoise be on their backs like that before something bad happens? :( I know he's only 5 months old, but don't let it fool you. He is going to definitely be a handful. :D :p


Stephanie Logan

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Aug 17, 2009
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Well, he may be a terror, but with a face like that, it doesn't really matter what he does because you're going to forgive him. :D

Candy, I have been seeking an answer to the "how long overturned before death?" question and have never heard one...seems like it depends on the temperature, whether the sun is beating down on the plastron, the size and age of the tort, and the torty's "will to live". Some veteran keepers on here said that some tortoises just draw their legs in and wait for the inevitable (which brought shudders to my psyche), while others will stretch those limbs and neck out to seemingly impossible lengths to get the leverage necessary to right themselves. I feel for you! I worry about that same thing every time I put Taco outside. :(

Eddie is a stunner, you must be so proud. :p


Well-Known Member
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Jan 4, 2009
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Alhambra, CA
Thank you Stephanie for you reply. I am a little worried about him because although I'm home on spring break this week I won't be next week. I can check on him all the time right now. It's scary to think of them upside down like that. When I saw him on his back there didn't look like there was anyway he could flip himself back over. Thank God I was there. :) And you're right I can't say no to that little face. :p


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OMG!! Candy..Eddie's face reminds me of a kid that did something wrong....OK...I know I'm anthropomorphizing (?), but he sure is cute.


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Nov 19, 2008
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My new ones often do this - and then come to realize if they continue - they're going to end up on their backs which they don't like - so they soon stop. If you're worried while you're gone, just turn the heat down some and if he does flip he'll be alright. I only worry when it's over 100 and they're in the hot sun.


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Jul 21, 2009
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Ahh reminds me of my troublemaker, Nelson ;) He likes to flip over and scare me too! Pushes his hay all over, rearranges his furniture, dirties his water dish constantly ;)


Well-Known Member
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Jan 4, 2009
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Alhambra, CA
Yep that's Eddie too. He's the one I find just sitting in the water dish probably plotting his next adventure. He is the cutest thing to watch though. So far no more turning over so glad about that. :D
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