My baby is dealing with a URI, is recovery possible?

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10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
Hey gang, Unforturnately today is a sad day for me. I discovered one of my p.pardalis babies weezing/gasping today, while walking around very awkardly, and also refusing to eat =(. Just a week ago I filmed my group eating and he was tearing up some spring mix with vitamin supplements, and here we are today he is NOT LOOKING GOOD.

I know what steps to take for him to hopefully recover. HEAT HUMIDITY HEAT .

My question is has anyone ever had a hatcling really truly recover and flourish after an URI???? Its breaking my heart to think it might die.

I have to keep my baby tortoises in my shed due to my wife absolutely not allowing animals in the house. So far it hasn't been an issue since it has been a relatively mild winter, and for the most part my baby tortoises have been doing well. I have 3 sulcata babies in one tortoise house, and 5 pardalis pardalis babies in another. My 3 sulcata babies are booming with growth even during the winter, and two out of my five pardalis pardalis are really taking off with growth while my other 3 are not taking off just yet.

They are keep in a wooden tortoise house with one 100 watt uv bulb and another 200 watt uv bulb. They also have a heating pad under there house to keep the substrate from getting to cold. I check the temperature of the substrate very often and it has never gotten below 70 degrees, even on the coldest of nights. The have a small water dish that is 1/4 inch deep, and it never gets cold. I make sure of that.

I think what may have triggered it is that about 10 days ago my son unfortunately did not here my instructions correctly and actually soaked them in pretty cold water, only for about 4-5 minutes before I realized his mistake, but it may have been long enough to trigger the sickness. He was supposed to bring them on our porch and wait for ME TO PUT WARM WATER for them to soak, but he grabbed the wrong water and soaked them in it himself SILLY KIDS!! =(.

The strange thing is that they all ate fine shortly after getting them in some warm water, but I guess its still possible that it could have triggered the URI.

Please any suggestions will greatly be appreciated. Do yall think its possible for such a young tortoise to recover???


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diamondbp said:
Please any suggestions will greatly be appreciated. Do yall think its possible for such a young tortoise to recover???

It's possible. I have seen things go both ways, even when the tortoise is given a lot of heat around the clock. I personally believe that the chances of survival are going to increase if you involve a veterinarian with tortoise experience. I would recommend you do that if you have not done so yet.


5 Year Member
Jul 25, 2012
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Floresville, Texas
My baby Gpp got uri when he was about 6 weeks old. The reason was because I let his temps get down to 72* at night. I took him to my Vet and he gave him a baytril injection and sent 10 more home with me in insulin needles(very small). He told me not to get my hopes up, but two years later and he is still doing fine. I agree with Neal, a good rep. vet is a must. Hope he pulls thru. By the way he was 32 grams when he got sick and now he is 921 grams.


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 17, 2012
Thanks for the advice guys. I took her to a vet and did a baytril injection, unfortunately it was to late. She was dead the next morning =/. The mysterious death of hatchlings will continue to boggle me. I've raised box turtles for 20 years and have seen the same sort of thing happen with them. I've had sick blind hatchlings box turtle hatchlings survive and yet have had healthy robust hatchlings mysteriously die. I think it may have to due with digestive issues in many cases. You never know though. Thanks again


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I would not let the enclosure and substrate get below 80 degrees. 70 is to cold. I have not had this problem. However, I know there has been other members that have and their babies survived. I don't know if you have read Toms threads or not. However, I do suggest reading them again. Humidity 80% with temps day and night not lower then 80. This is what he does and has never had a sick baby.
Good luck, really hope all goes really well for the baby. It's been a ruff start so far this year with the deaths and illnesses of our tort friends. Hopefully you can break that:)

BTW, do you know about the baby food puréed carrot soaks for torts that won't eat?
Also, this thread might be of some use to you. Check it out.
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