Might be stupid questions but...


Aug 10, 2016
Like I said this might be stupid questions but I was just wondering about them.

First off I was wondering if anyone has ever given their leopard a soak with a little honey in it? I know it's a weird question but I give my dogs a little honey once a week for all the beneficial properties it has (my vet is the one who told me about the benefits for my dogs) so I was wondering if it would be OK to put like a pea size drop in my torts soak bowl once a week or if it would be bad for her?

Second I was wondering if every once in a while when I make up my herb salad (I grow my own herbs) if she could have some? I usually have oregano, Rosemary, sage, lavender, and basil in it with just a little bit of garlic mixed with a spring mix.

I couldn't find anything saying that herbs, garlic, or honey was good or bad so I thought I would ask...

Her regular diet consist of mazuri, zoo med grassland mix, dandelion, endive, butter lettuce, radicchio, etc. and then she has Bermuda grass, hibiscus, grape vine, honeysuckle, aloe Vera, and baby sun rose growing in her outdoor enclosure that she eats on.

And I'm going to go on a walk tomorrow with my husband to find some weeds then bring them back and grow them desperate for a while to make sure they don't have any pesticides on them before she is offered them.

Tidgy's Dad

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Several of the herbs are supposed to be okay for tortoises, but I find that Tidgy won't eat them, except, very occasionally, coriander.
I think they smell too strongly.
I know that some people have used honey on the wounds of animals including tortoises, but don't know about feeding it.
I would say not, the sugar levels are probably too high to be good for a tortoise.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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The herbs will probably not be eaten by your tortoise because they do have a very strong smell to the tortoise. As long as they're on the safe list you can try them I would avoid the garlic. As for the honey I would not use it tortoises don't handle sugar very well and honey has a lot of sugar in it. not dumb questions at all


Aug 10, 2016
Thanks for answering my questions! I guess my Harley is just a pig lol I offered a little oregano with her supper and she ate it all. I also didn't have a problem getting her to eat the mazuri or the grassland food either she has only refused the orange hibiscus flower (but ate the red one) lol

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