Mazuri Question - Brand/Where

Apr 11, 2016
With fall coming on and my natural outside food selection supply for Geronimo is starting to dwindle I am looking at some other variety food options. Yes I have lots of things planted indoors for the winter months but looking for an addition so I don't go through the indoors plants to quick and have to wait for them to regrow, even though I have spaced out their planting times. ( Broadleaf mix, dandelions, clover, Lambs lettuce, cactus, etc...... ) What brand, where do you get, etc..... the best Mazuri???? Opinions. I have been doing research on it but looking for users opinions, thanks.

Yvonne G

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I ask my local feed store to order it for me. Most feed stores that carry Purina products can order it from their suppliers.


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You can buy it here and it will ship from Purina for 30.99, 25 pounds is a lot but its by far the cheapest way. Look on Amazon it's like 30 bucks for only 6 pounds. Put it in 5 gallons buckets with lids and it will last for a very long time.
I bought a 6 lb bucket on Amazon for I believe $20. I remember seeing a tiny bag for $12 from another seller so the decision to get the 6 lbs was a no-brainer. I heard eBay is better/cheaper for buying smaller amounts of Mazuri.

Bean's enclosure itself takes up half of my TV room. I'm jealous of all of you that have the room to store 30 lbs of this stuff :p


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You can buy it here and it will ship from Purina for 30.99, 25 pounds is a lot but its by far the cheapest way. Look on Amazon it's like 30 bucks for only 6 pounds. Put it in 5 gallons buckets with lids and it will last for a very long time.
That is where I order mine also. In my very dry California climate, I just fold the opening on the bag, they are good year round.

Yvonne G

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I bought a 6 lb bucket on Amazon for I believe $20. I remember seeing a tiny bag for $12 from another seller so the decision to get the 6 lbs was a no-brainer. I heard eBay is better/cheaper for buying smaller amounts of Mazuri.

Bean's enclosure itself takes up half of my TV room. I'm jealous of all of you that have the room to store 30 lbs of this stuff :p

I keep my dog food and my Mazuri tortoise food in these:


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I know this isn't a recent thread but I'm confused about something.
Mazuri has 15% protien and not a lot of calcium (1.2%) - isn't this the kind of food you're supposed to avoid for land tortoises?
If you read the contents list, it seems off.
But somehow it is better than the sum of its parts.
If this is even possible.:)
Most of us that use it have been doing so for decades.
I love the stuff and have some very healthy and happy tortoises.
Apr 11, 2016
I don't give very much at a time and not that often. When I do it's a few pellets mixed in with his weeds. To me I treat it more like a treat than a meal. I have tortoise pellets and now Mazuri readily on hand during the winter months just in case for some reason I start running low on the fresh stuff, kind of a back up in case we're snowed in.


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Dec 20, 2015
The key is just to use it as a once a week or so supplement on top of lots variety of greens(safe weeds primarily) not sure why it is such a good occasional food but once you use it the results and their vigor will prove it's value. I also supplement repashy and zoomeds grassland diet. Just seems the variety of weeds olus these supplement foods makes for active healthy torts.


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He has started eating the mazuri - will not eat the zoo med though.
I have not been giving him much, just 2 pellets once a week.