Lady Hermann not her usual self


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Perhaps you could explain to the Lady that she is damaging her claws by all this digging, and she really needs immaculate painted talons to be sufficiently classy-looking for the role !
Zola has been very cross this afternoon, because the sun came out unexpectedly, and he assumed he would be going out, but it was too late and too cold - he busied himself trashing his room, and when I tried to get him to have a soothing stroke with me by the fire, he just fought and struggled until I gave up in despair. He is a wonderful little chap, and I am always rather upset when I can't give him what he wants - fortunately, he always forgives me.
Plase give our respectful and overwhelmingly admiring good wishes to the magnificent Lady Teztez -
and love to you from Angie xx and Zola xxx


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2020
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Oh i I am so sorry that Zola is having a frustrating day..Teztez will be most sympathetic. She has been incarcerated in her box, under her lamp, while all the removing and general disruption has been happening. She had a huge breakfast of soggies, and has been peacefully digesting this, while all around has been chaos, dust, noise and dissolution of all her environment.
It's such a horrid shock when your home is disintegrated and loaded onto vans. The piano was the worst, still, it has been safely transferred.
Zola is so clever! I hope it is a nice day tomorrow and he can go out.
He is so lovely. It's the spring. They know.
Love from Ruth, and the enigmatic and crazy Lady Teztez xxx