Is My RT Shell Okay?

Collin Tobias

New Member
Nov 26, 2017
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I was given a russian tortoise named Squirtle almost 4 years ago now. I'm not sure of his age, but its safe to assume he's close to or at least 10 years old due to the information I was given when I got him. I'm also unsure if he's captive bred or wild. Since I've got him I've built him a custom indoor closure about 3 with by 4.5 and about 3 feet off the ground to protect him from my dog complete with 2 hiding areas and a 93 dollar 100 watt UVB, UVA, and heat lamp 3 in 1 bulb which is on 24/7 and an additional heat lamp that I use if I feel the A/C is too high or the heat isn't high enough for him in the winter. He also has had a constant supply of ourdoor light via my window when he's inside and I take him out as often as possible in the summer. And his bedding is coconut husk which I'm going to be replacing very soon because it's started to get a bit messy. He's also got a constant supply of water although he orefers to make mud with it than actually use it. I feed him every other day, but I give him enough food to last both days, he prefers to snack every so often than actually eat meals. However, recently due to housing issues, I was forced to move into a basement where he lacked the outdoor lighting and we had to rely on just his lamps, but we've moved again and has his natural lighting back. I don't know if that was the cause, but since then I've noticed his shell and beak have become cracked and chipped and his skin is peeling. His edges also look very translucent and have began to curl. I'll leave pictures of his shell and his enclosure so you guys can give me advice. I'm very concerned for him and I want to make sure he's okay. Do you guys think he's sick and do you know what I can do to make him better?
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Cheryl Hills

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Well, he looks pretty dry to me. His enclosure does not have enough substrate, it should be 4 to 6 inches deep at the least. It is also way to dry, should be moist all the way through. I exspect others will chime in here. They are going to want to know what your four temps are, what you are feeding him and what his lights are.

Taylor T.

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That water dish has to go. It is a tipping hazard, and uses up a lot of floor space in the enclosure. Replace it with a terra cotta plant saucer sunk down to substrate level.

Green beans are not appropriate foods for your tortoise. While some plant protein is acceptable, green beans have far too much. As stated above, he needs more substrate, and it must be more moist.

He needs a basking spot of 100, a warm side of 80ish, and a cool side of 70ish.

Do you let him roam around on the floor?

Yvonne G

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Hi, and welcome!

It's much easier to care for tortoises when you have them set up outside. That way they can have way more, and more appropriate, room to roam. Then for winter, when the weather is too cold to be outside, they hibernate. Piece of cake!

But. . . since you have him in the house, buy another one of those enclosures, open opposing ends and put them together. One is way too small for a full grown russian tortoise. Also, I'm afraid that once you get more substrate in there, he's going to be able to reach his little hands up to the top of the sides and be able to climb out.

Because that enclosure has a built in shelter at one end, there's no need to take up more floor space with the half log.

The shell looks ok. Most russian tortoises' shells look a little rough.


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tortoise shed their skin - just make sure you give him soaks to keep him hydrated it may also help with the shedding. I think i heard once that curling is due to fast growth but I'm not entirely sure so don't take it as a fact - I also heard that its just how some tortoise shells are form. The translucent edges are normal - tortoise shells are made of keratin just like our nails. The cracks around seem like growth lines to me which are also normal. I recommend that you upgrade that enclosure because its way to small for your tort - try a large mixing cement tub I'm not sure how big they can get in American but I've seen large ones or you can buy wood for really cheap and build a custom table but just make sure that you add some form of material before placing the substrate because otherwise the wood will mold.


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Welcome @Collin Tobias!

This is a lot of info we’re giving you all at once, bear with us!

Your tortoise’s beak is somewhat overgrown. Nothing horrible. Start feeding him on a piece of slate or unglazed tile or concrete so he can wear it down while he eats. You can trim it yourself or have a vet do it as well.

@Yvonne G, I’m generally in agreement about the shell but that picture of the right middle plastron, does that look okay to you? I think it’s just prior wear and tear but I rarely look at the bottom of mine and since she is hibernating, I can’t check her right now! Thanks for your feedback.