Introduction and request for assistance

Dev Tacy

New Member
Jun 3, 2014
My name is Dev and I learned of your group through a google search for information about the care of Russian Tortoises My Russian Tortoise, Tank, has lived with me for three years. I believe he is 5 or 6 years old now. I got him when my friend's son moved out of state.
On March 22nd Tank escaped from his outdoor pen. We searched and searched, and did not expect to ever see him again. We live in rural farm country in upstate New York and you know how fast they can move. He was out there for 6 days when, by some miracle, my granddaughter found him 1/4 of a mile away while she was driving down the dirt road. That was a week with cold temperatures, especially at night, and a lot of rain. Poor Tank now has a respiratory infection (not to mention that he lost a toe nail on a back foot and has a slight chip in his shell).
We went to the vets yesterday and they gave him fluids and an antibiotic injection. I will give him an injection every three days for 21 days. While at the vets, I learned several things. Among them are: (1) his diet of romaine with an occasional tomato is not sufficient, (2) the sprinkling of calcium on his food now and then is not sufficient either, and (3) the UV light bulb is effective for only 6 moths. This was a very worthwhile vet visit.
Tank lives in a 55 gal. aquarium, however, we are planning to build him a better habitat. I am looking for advice for the best lighting and heating. The vet also showed me that the side edges of Tank's shell are beginning to curve up. Any advice on better nutrition will be greatly appreciated.
I raise canaries, have chickens and an eclectus parrot named Rocky. The Eclectus Parrot Group has been so supportive, especially when I was a newbie. I am looking forward to any advice on how to keep Tank healthy and happy. Thank you.


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Diet for a russian
BTW Salutations.
Leaves and flowers of various plants, hibiscus,mullberry, grape leaves,mallow, dandelions, also various weeds.


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All the info you need is on this link

We have sim climate & I grow/ feed my russian- grape leaves, rose of sherron leaves & flowers, mulberry leaves are great, broad leaf plantain( google image search it, you prob have thousands in your yard!) Dandilion, & I planted a seed mix for russians I got from in the winter I buy spring mix from grocery store & pick out a lot of the spinach.

Inside I have powersun uv light & solar raptor. Outside, I have her in a 5x 14. Yes these guys are known escape artist. That's my martha in the pic climbing out of hers! I have read that a lip all the way arround the enclosure keeps them from climbing out. Good luck!


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Hello and Welcome:) If you can get him outside for some natural sunlight that would be really good for him. Also, the flourescent UVB last six months, the mercury vapor bulbs are more expensive, but last closer to a year, and also gives off light and heat along with uv. I do believe the calcium, a pinch a couple times a week is enough. Too much isn't good either.

Grandpa Turtle 144

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Apr 3, 2013
We have a whole section on Russian torts .

Sent from my iPhone using TortForum

Yvonne G

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Hi Dev, and welcome to the Forum!

Here's a link you can trust:

I think your main problems are diet and an escape-proof outdoor yard. The R.I. should clear up just fine with the medication provided by the vet. While you are treating him, it's a good idea to raise the temperature a bit in his habitat.


Apr 11, 2014
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Welcome to the forum! I think it's fantastic that you are so committed to providing the best care for your tort. :) As others have posted, you will find a wealth of information on husbandry and diet for Russians here on the forum. It might take a while to get through but it is well worth it!


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Hello and welcome. WoW! it was a miracle your grand daughter spotted Tank. So glad you have him back. This is the place to learn all you need to know to make Tank a happy healthy tort. Good luck.


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Looks like you are in a good hand already. So I'm just here to say Hi and welcomes you to the forum.

Good to have a such dedicated Torts lover here in the forum as you. Welcome.

Dev Tacy

New Member
Jun 3, 2014
Thank you all so much for the welcome and great information. Glad Tank and I found you.


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Jun 16, 2013
Given the warm months ahead if he makes it outside few times a week for couple hours at a time you won't need UVB light till fall. No UVB bulb matches sunshine.
When the time comes to purchase UVB light, avoid spiral and compact florescent types. They are known to damage animals eyes. Look for long tube florescant such as Zoomed reptisun T5HO, or MVB type for UVB/heat all in one bulb such as Zoomed Powersun.
Out of curiosity, what part of the body were you instructed to administer antibiotics? Would you mind posting some photos of the tortoise?

Dev Tacy

New Member
Jun 3, 2014
Given the warm months ahead if he makes it outside few times a week for couple hours at a time you won't need UVB light till fall. No UVB bulb matches sunshine.
When the time comes to purchase UVB light, avoid spiral and compact florescent types. They are known to damage animals eyes. Look for long tube florescant such as Zoomed reptisun T5HO, or MVB type for UVB/heat all in one bulb such as Zoomed Powersun.
Out of curiosity, what part of the body were you instructed to administer antibiotics? Would you mind posting some photos of the tortoise?
I will, but I first have to figure out how to post photos here. The injection is given in his front leg (someone holds his front legs back) where the scales become small - injection goes under the scale in the muscle. Thank you.