I'm nervous my boy possibly has shell rot?


New Member
Feb 11, 2016
Hi, I'm a proud mommy of two Russians. They are both around 3yrs old- 1 boy & 1 girl which I keep together, so if it is shell rot, should I separate them because it's contagious? He's got a round 2mm pit in the middle of his plates. Yesterday I picked off a flakey part off of the plate just to the right of the affected area. I've cleaned it with betadine, but its continuing to get larger/deeper. He's also not eating as well as he used to. The substrate was a coconut shell fiber that does hold humidity I'm thinking is too high for them, around 50%? Also on a side note, he is VERY sexually excited- every time I try to clean it (the hurt spot) he becomes aroused! Is that normal? He is Not interested in trying anything with my girl eirher! Thank you in advance for your help! IMG_20160211_243057972.jpg IMG_20160110_205229679.jpg


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First of all, I'd separate them just because they are Russians and they should NEVER be kept in pairs.
That area of the shell often stays too damp because of urine, etc.(Them sitting in it) Apply the betadine just once and then place a dab of athletes foot cream there for a week or two, once a day and it will heal. It is not contagious.
I use the "dollar store" athletes foot cream because it is only a buck and has the same active ingredient.
As far as the way that they are behaving, it will likely change once the stress of being housed together is gone. Tortoises do not like "company." They are solitary. And Russians are some of the scrappiest species. Some of the bullying will become actual biting and ramming, some will look like cuddling and following each other around. All of it is aggression and all of it will affect their health.


New Member
Feb 11, 2016
First of all, I'd separate them just because they are Russians and they should NEVER be kept in pairs.
That area of the shell often stays too damp because of urine, etc.(Them sitting in it) Apply the betadine just once and then place a dab of athletes foot cream there for a week or two, once a day and it will heal. It is not contagious.
I use the "dollar store" athletes foot cream because it is only a buck and has the same active ingredient.
As far as the way that they are behaving, it will likely change once the stress of being housed together is gone. Tortoises do not like "company." They are solitary. And Russians are some of the scrappiest species. Some of the bullying will become actual biting and ramming, some will look like cuddling and following each other around. All of it is aggression and all of it will affect their health.
First of all, I'd separate them just because they are Russians and they should NEVER be kept in pairs.
That area of the shell often stays too damp because of urine, etc.(Them sitting in it) Apply the betadine just once and then place a dab of athletes foot cream there for a week or two, once a day and it will heal. It is not contagious.
I use the "dollar store" athletes foot cream because it is only a buck and has the same active ingredient.
As far as the way that they are behaving, it will likely change once the stress of being housed together is gone. Tortoises do not like "company." They are solitary. And Russians are some of the scrappiest species. Some of the bullying will become actual biting and ramming, some will look like cuddling and following each other around. All of it is aggression and all of it will affect their health.
Oh my!!! They've been together for over a year & they are always together- even when they cruise around the house- I was hoping they would mate someday? I've never seen them fight or act aggressively.... No? And thank you Soooo much for the shell remedy! I will go get some today!! Does he need a different substrate while I'm treating him?


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I totally agree with ZEROPILOT even the picture shows aggression. The constant following too is aggression. Even if they are of opposite sex, the male will pester the female to illness or death. The only way a pair could possibly live together, is if it's a very large (yard size) enclosure with lots of sight barriers. Even then it might not work. By the time you realize one is sick, it might be too late.


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Make sure the top of your coco coir isn't wet, most people will pour water in the corners of the tank to keep the bottom layers moist and humid while the top layer stays more dry.


New Member
Feb 11, 2016
Thank you guys- I've been using the athlete's foot cream on his hurt spot and I think it looks a little better- Someone told me a carrot juice bath would be helpful? I had him separated from my girl, but then he stopped eating, so I put him back in at feeding time to watch them, & once she started eating, he did too- He doesn't act aggressively to her, but she does eat 1st, I've never seen them ram each other or anything like that, they are always snuggling* tho- Could she be the reason he got sick?


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I have a male/female pair I recently separated after 12 years together - my male has now stopped eating too.
I'm also wondering if it is because they are apart. On the up side my female is thriving now alone. She is eating more than ever, but I am very worried about the male! I have even begun attempting to hand feed him but he is really taking very little in. Still alert, but not interested in food.
If I had not seen the female looking so much better I'd be inclined to place them back together, that is not the answer because I see it would be detrimental to her. So I need to find a fix to get my poor male up to par soon, it has been 2 months of separation at this point.
Any advice from out there appreciated!


New Member
Feb 11, 2016
I had lost my girl in the house for 5 days & I could totally tell my boy was miserable until I found her & he perked back up- I'm sure they have feelings- Maybe you should just put them together in a neutral soot, like a warm bath in a plastic tub & then put together for feeding time & make sure he's eating?