I'm a newbie to the tortoise loving world :)


New Member
Jul 23, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South West England
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Hey everyone!
To start I am from the South West of England... currently experiencing a rare heat wave.
I have recently been given a tortoise. I do not know its gender though I keep referring to it as a he.
His name is Horatio (the choice of my 89 yr old Nan).
We have made him a large run at least 2 metres by 1 metre, with a covered warm area. I am looking into getting a dish that is easily accessible for him to bathe and drink, though I have been bathing him daily (too much?).
I have been led to believe he is 1 years old.
I am committed to giving Horatio the best possible life and I have joined this forum for advice really from those with so much more experience.
I'll attach a couple of pics, I have put a £1 coin next to Horatio (as a marker) in the hope some of you may be able to confirm/guess his age and breed.
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Hi and welcome! My name is Sylvia, and I noticed part of your name we share! I hope you enjoy this forum. It's amazing:)

Yvonne G

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Hi, and welcome to the Forum!!

Horatio is a Testudo horsefieldii, or commonly in the UK called Horsefield's tortoise. I think he's a little older than a year. Looks almost full grown. Maybe about 6 or 8 years old. There's no need to soak him daily. If you give him a waterer he will get his own hydration.

We call them Russian tortoises here in the States, and you can find a nice care sheet for Horatio at the top of the Russian tortoise section here on the Forum.



New Member
Jul 23, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South West England
Hi Sylvia!
Yvonne- Thanks so much for the response. Brilliant to know a estimated age and breed. I was really concerned if he was a year old we should be keeping him in a vivarium with heat lamps etc. However, he just seems to love being outside. I let him out of his enclosure today and he chased after our chickens until they were cowering in submission! (I would never let them all be alone without supervision... initially I was concerned for Horatio but I think he's the boss) haha


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Aug 23, 2012
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Florida, USA
Hi Sylvia!
Yvonne- Thanks so much for the response. Brilliant to know a estimated age and breed. I was really concerned if he was a year old we should be keeping him in a vivarium with heat lamps etc. However, he just seems to love being outside. I let him out of his enclosure today and he chased after our chickens until they were cowering in submission! (I would never let them all be alone without supervision... initially I was concerned for Horatio but I think he's the boss) haha

Hahaha...he's showing his tuff. Please be careful around dogs, though. Dogs and torts don't mix. No matter how placid a dog is, when no one is watching, we have heard time and time again about some horror stories!

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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...I let him out of his enclosure today and he chased after our chickens until they were cowering in submission!

This presents quite a funny picture! I love it.



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Jun 24, 2012
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I'm not a sexing expert but it looks to me like he looks like more of a she, because the V under the tail is pretty wider than my franklins. I cant see the tail to help my judgement though... and in all honestly the only reason im so entirely sure Franklin's a male is his super tail lol its HUGE!!

Cute tortoise though! You'll learn the species has quite the attitude and personality, so the chicken story doesn't surprise me at all!


Jul 20, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Hastings, East Sussex
Welcome . I too have a Horsefield tortoise, they are such lively little characters. Mine is a little boy called Timmy. Usually if turns out to be boy will present bits at some stage, as mine did. Enjoy. Great breed. I am South East and we too are having rare heat wave my3 tortoises are making the most of it. Love it.


New Member
Aug 7, 2014
Hiya, I too have a horsefield tortoise. He's a year old and named George.

We have a large vivarium with both a heat lamp and reptile uv lamp, although we let him out in the garden daily (despite it being a bit colder here in the good old north of England!)

He's fed whenever he's hungry although I'm worried I might be over feeding him so if anybody has any advice that would be lovely!

Thank you :)

Steph x