How can I make my tortoise happier and more lively?


New Member
Jan 4, 2014
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I have two tortoises, from what I know they're more or less the same age (although looking at the size difference I find this hard to believe) and under a year old and they are both in the same tortoise table. I've had my biggest tort, Franklin, for about 4 months and my smaller tort, Henry, for about 3 months.
Franklin is really active and responsive. He is always running around and loves to climb anything that he can. However Henry is always either in his bed, or just sitting around for a little while and doesn't seem to be out much or interested in anything. He does eat normally though.

Is there anything I can do to give him some more energy? He hasn't always been like this! He used to be a bit more lively. Lively for a tortoise anyway.
And do you think he's this way because he's in with Franklin who is twice the size of him? Whenever Franklin comes near him he often tucks his head back and won't move.
I do plan to separate them in a few months but don't have the space or money to do so right now, I just don't want to see my little tort looking a bit sad in the meantime.

Not sure if this question sounds a bit silly haha.

Just looking for some advice because although I've done a lot of research and know what I'm doing I'm still pretty new to having tortoises!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I hate to say this, but before you even got to the part where you told how he pulls in his head, my mind was shouting "he is getting bullied". Keep in mind there is the type that is physical and then there is a mental bully. I think your looking at the last case. I would suggest trying two enclosures for a while and see if you get the "old Henry" back. I understand the money bit, but how about splitting what they are in now? Perhaps a plastic tote home or even one for Henry to have just a few alone hours each day in. As for space, can you have one enclosure above the other?


The Dog Trainer
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Tortoises should generally not be kept in pairs and this is why. In the wild Henry would leave Franklin's area and go find his own personal space. He cannot escape Franklin's territorial wrath within the confines of your enclosure. Henry is in a living tortoise hell right now. You need to separate them immediately. The cost of a large plastic storage bin, light fixture and regular incandescent bulb for basking is not all that much. Please don't delay. This sort of chronic stress can get them sick and even kill them.

Yvonne G

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Hi Jodie, and welcome to the Forum!

What you are seeing in your two tortoises is very typical behavior. Tortoises aren't programmed to live together. In nature they each would have their own territory and wouldn't ever cross boundaries into another's territory. If that should happen, they usually fight.

So your more submissive tortoise, Henry, is staying quiet to try to be unobtrusive to Franklin. It is quite stressful on Henry to have to be watchful of Franklin all the time.

This is the time to either separate them and put each in his own enclosure, or find a new owner for one of them. Sorry...I know that's not what you wanted to hear.

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