Hai everyone!

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5 Year Member
Sep 2, 2012
Hey guys, Just bought my first tortoise yesterday along with a small 20 gallon starter tank with the lamps and such. I got a red foot tortoise, and after doing a lot of research when I came home i'm kind of depressed to find out that my little guy has a serious bit of pyramiding going on.

I think they even lied to me about the age because they said he's only about a year and a half old but he's 4 and a half inches. but anyways I thought this would be the best place to ask for advice and such, Right now i'm using this freeze dried fruit mix I got at the pet store and some food that kinda resemble fruity pebbles but considering they were feeding him those I might reconsider what with his pyramiding and all.

I want to take him for a walk in the yard but i'm scared bugs might try to munch him or something, can I do this?, and he keeps trying to walk out of his home, for like 15 mins straight now, idunno if that's normal. :l Also here's a picture!

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Welcome, TwoSixSided!

Yup, they told you a tale. That tortoise is probably around 8 or 10 years old. Which, in a way, is pretty good for YOU, because he's past the fragile stage. May I make some suggestions? (I'm gonna' make 'em anyway :p )

Dig your waterer down into the substrate so the tortoise doesn't have to crane his neck to reach the water.

Think about getting a bigger habitat. What you have is ok for a while, but it really is too small for that size tortoise.

Once you get a bigger container, add some plants, either real or fake, for interest. The plants add places for the tortoise to feel safe and hide, plus they block his line of sight, making the habitat seem bigger to him.

Is there a hiding place?

Be sure to wet the substrate. Redfooted tortoises need quite a bit more humidity than the desert-types do. But not so wet that you cause shell rot on the plastron.

DITCH THAT FOOD!!!!!!! Natural food is always better. Redfooted tortoises will eat a variety of dark, leafy greens and veggies and a little fruit with the occasional animal protein.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
Location (City and/or State)
Southern California
Hello and welcome. We've got several experienced redfoot keepers here. They will have lots of good tips for you too.
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