Gluing stuff to shells

Dave CH

Jan 1, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
I just had thought...(rare)... you are going to some lengths to make it easier to catch a wayward tortoise...why not use that very same energy and knowledge to make his pen escape proof?

No pen for the big guys maggie3fan. They have the run of a reasonably big area of garden, with lots of open ground but a lot of cover too. So it can take (the two of us) up to half an hour to find them if they've settled down for the night. Or, on rare occasions, you just don't find them until the morning.

We had to come home from vacation (not too far) a year and a half ago because our "sitter" couldn't find the male.

The entire area is escape proof. It's just finding them in there that can be a struggle some days.

That's why we're keen on a radio emitter system.


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Nov 11, 2020
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Maro2Bear. MenagerieGrl.
Sorry about the monetary confusion.

Yes, I'm British. So, no euros (pounds sterling instead).
And yes, I do live in Switzerland. So, no euros (Swiss francs instead).

Neither country ever came close to adopting the euro (a currency on which I won't offer and opinion as this is a tortoise forum).

Hope that clears things up...
Dave, I kinda figured so, The No Euro thing I was not quite sure of, I honestly do not know who uses Euro, as opposed to a Nations monetary system, as in the Swiss Franc, or the Pound. But I figured you were a Brit in Switzerland


Unknown Member
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Feb 5, 2011
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Thanks Maro2Bear.
Link doesn't work for me (two different browsers).

I'm pretty sure Lowes blocks European ip addresses, so it wont work without a vpn.


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
Platinum Tortoise Club
Mar 16, 2020
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London, UK
Thank you Maro2Bear.
As I'm British, I'm not sure I've ever seen a euro, but I can "Google it" ;)

Will research epoxy adhesives locally next week. Will let you all know how it goes.

And thanks again for your help.

Best regards -
Dave (and various torts)
Similar to our 5p

Dave CH

Jan 1, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Dave, I kinda figured so, The No Euro thing I was not quite sure of, I honestly do not know who uses Euro, as opposed to a Nations monetary system, as in the Swiss Franc, or the Pound. But I figured you were a Brit in Switzerland
I am, MenagerieGrl. You're right.
The euro was never adopted in the UK, or in Switzerland.
For Switzerland, the country would never give up its fiscal independence in that way (the European Union working on the principle of "Ever greater union").

Switzerland's the kind of confederation that sees most of the power at the regional (so, "cantonal") and local levels, and only what can best be done centrally is done at the central level. This is reflected in taxes. You pay most of your income tax at the "cantonal" (or state) level and the local level. Very little in taxes goes direct to the Confederation itself.

The EU, meanwhile, is the other kind of confederation, increasingly doing everything centrally, unless it's best done locally.

A fine distinction (and a very big oversimplification), but that makes the two approaches very, very different.

Oh, and generally, we (in Switzerland) have better cheese.

But we still have problems with glue.


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