Future Impressed Outside Enclosure

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Len B

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Aug 3, 2010
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I started working on the outside enclosure for my impressed tortoise today,after the trees leaf out completely it will only get filtered sun until about noon in mid summer and no direct sun later in the day. when I got her I wasn't sure there was a good place here for the enclosure so I watched how the sun moved from morning to night last summer and I believe this spot will work and not get to hot.I still have a lot to do but it's a start, I am moving established plants from other places in the yard to give her a lot of hiding spots. Len


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Looks like a great spot. Please keep us updated.


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Very cool...love the wood fencing....what type of shrub is that at the far end with the little white deals on it? :D

Yvonne G

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Can't wait to see the picture with HER in it!


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Looks good. Just be super careful that she there is a great deal of shade. I haven't put mine outside yet, I'm not sure if I will being in Texas. It gets very hot here. But my emys and phayrai don't mind it. I use mister systems over the pens to keep it cool super humid and wet. I would maybe for pretty heavy on foliage to give a real good spot for her to hide if she wants. But looks good. Let us know how she does outside. I wish I could shut my greenhouse down in the summer and put mine outside. Damn Texas southern heat!

Len B

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The walls are done, next will be getting the plants in place.The bush is a pink azalea, I started to move it a few years ago but gave up,it didn't want to move.


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Looking really nice. I like that you made the wood wall finished on top like a seating bench. Is it strong enough to actually sit and watch the torts? Keep pics coming:D


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I will start by saying that I don't think I have any pictures of this. In 2007 I toured the Atlanta zoo during the TSA conference there. I got to see their outdoor enclosures for their breeding groups of manouria impressa. It gets very hot there. The pens were very large, perhaps 20'x40' maybe larger. they were on a somewhat steep hill. Plenty of undergrowth and canopy shade. I don't remember the group numbers, it was a very low denisty maybe 4-5 for pen, maybe less.

My three youngsters spent last summer in the North section of my greenhouse. They did very well with the heat, I misted on them several time daily. They had very big appetites .

Have you checked out the Turtle Conservancy's site? They have a 30 minute video for download, In Search of the Impressed Tortoise. It is worth the $8. It talks about wild temps, 25C max during the heat of the summer. Plus seeing this animal in the wild is very informative.

Len B

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I need to get speakers, I don't have a hill but have plenty of plants to put in my somewhat smaller area for her, 12x5 ft. so far there is the existing azalea,- hosta, mayapple, jack-in the-pulpit, ajuga, ferns, colocasia, violets, palms, 3 little seedling mulberry trees that I worked around so as not to disturb them, still to add are pothos, philodendron, a couple alocasia,and some more of the ones already mentioned, there should be plenty of plant cover for her when everything fills out. everything but the philodendron,pothos,and alocasia, will be left in the ground year round.


5 Year Member
Apr 13, 2010
Looks really nice, and if you wet down the brick it should hold moisture for a while in the shade. The bench top should keep them from climbing out but I would watch that bush in the corner.

I agree with "Tortadise" Misting system on a timer is the way to go with these guys. You can almost see them smile when it comes on.

I still have 3 feet of snow in the yard so I'm jealous. But it hit 60 yesterday.

Len B

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Aug 3, 2010
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They are not all above ground but all the plants are in the ground,I almost forgot the bamboo.Now just wait for everything to grow, and a little warmer weather. After it blooms I am going to cut the bush back to a safe level, Thanks for mentioning it, I hadn't thought of it as a way out.I don't believe it will be a problem keeping the enclosure moist.


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Wow, what a great enclosure. The plants really brought it all together. Can't wait to see how your tortoises responds to it's new digs. If you are in a hot region, make sure you have some type of misting or sprinkler system handy. I am in Central Texas and last year I ran the sprinkler for 10 minutes 4 times a day. It kept them cool, moist and happy. We have had already 85+ days and I have been spraying them down 2x a day....looks like a misting system is going to be in the works for me this year.
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