Frozen mixed vegetables

John O

New Member
Sep 24, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Selma, Ca
We have two Russian tortoises (male and female) that we have had for several years (last September they produced three baby's that are now almost 4" shell length that are still kept inside). Most of the year the adults live outside in a 30' by 30' fenced area (no fights or battles). The area has many green weeds and several rock hides and a water dish. In the past we have also given them a small plate of thawed frozen vegetables (carrots, green beans, corn and peas) They eat the various weeds, but they really like the mixed vegetables. My question is this, is there anything in the mixed vegetable mix that should not be given to them? We are not yet planning to put baby's outside until they get somewhat larger.
Thanks, John

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I understand corn, peas and green beans should not be part of their diet, but I'm hard pressed to tell you why.


Well-Known Member
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Sep 6, 2011
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Tortoises should not be kept in pairs. No fights or battles is because you aren't seeing it. The constant stress alone of living in a pair will shorten their life. Besides, not all bullying is obvious to those that think a pair can work.
Do them a big favor and split the area into two separate enclosure and put them together under supervision to breed only.
Corn should not be fed and broad leaf weeds is their diet not veggies.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
We have two Russian tortoises (male and female) that we have had for several years (last September they produced three baby's that are now almost 4" shell length that are still kept inside). Most of the year the adults live outside in a 30' by 30' fenced area (no fights or battles). The area has many green weeds and several rock hides and a water dish. In the past we have also given them a small plate of thawed frozen vegetables (carrots, green beans, corn and peas) They eat the various weeds, but they really like the mixed vegetables. My question is this, is there anything in the mixed vegetable mix that should not be given to them? We are not yet planning to put baby's outside until they get somewhat larger.
Thanks, John
Hi John. They should never live in pairs. Obvious fighting is not the issue, though sometimes it can be with Russians. It is more the chronic stress of always having that other tortoise around. Do you know anyone with chameleons? Chameleon keepers understand this. Just seeing another chameleon across the room can stress them enough to kill them.

30x30 is a great size for a Russian group.

Babies should get some outside time too. My general rule of thumb is: An hour of access to sunshine per inch of tortoise, a couple few days a week for babies. At 4 inches, your babies can live outside full time with a proper shelter.

About your diet question: Corn and carrots are not good tortoise food items. The peas and greens beans are okay in moderation as a very small part of the diet, but make sure you are soaking at least twice a week if feeding high protein items like that to keep them hydrated and avoid bladder stone formation.

These two threads should help you:


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