Found 50lb Sulcata in Michigan

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5 Year Member
Sep 8, 2011
Hi evry one, New here today 9-8-11. I was walking my dog and looked to my right and woooo what a neat statute, then the Head moved, WOW Look at that. That is now called Jeffrey , a 50 pound Sulcata tortoise. Found Jeffrey walking the streets of Pinckney,Mi. I'm learning quick about the old toit, the shell is 14 inch's wide and 24 long. I have found a wonderfull woman in Lansing trying to find a zoo to take Him, if not I'm going to do my best. He lives in my now heated shed and gourges on my lawn and garden, wow can this toit eat ! Anyways what a BEAUTIFULL Creation Jeffrey is. :tort:

Yvonne G

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Hi Backwards "jazz" underscore forwards "jazz:" :p:p

Welcome to the Tortoise Forum!!

May we know your name?

Before you get too comfortable with your new friend, you should try to find his owner. I'm sure someone is just devastated to learn that he has been let out of the yard. Signs up on the utility in the classified of the paper ("found" ads are free)...craig's list.

Maggie Cummings

Welcome to the forum...But think how you would feel if your "tort" escaped and someone found it and kept it without trying to find you. Keep Sulcata in Michigan is not going to be an easy task. Your shed should have the capability of keep a constant ambient temperature of 85 degrees. You need a 250 watt basking light and a smaller box for him to sleep in making him feel more secure. You'll need a pig blanket for him to sleep on in his sleeping box. You will need to be able to buy him about $15 worth of produce daily possible more, squash and a wide variety of dark leafy greens. How big is your shed? Big enough for him to pace in when he can't go out because of the snow? Remember, he won't be able to graze and I can tell you from personal experience (I have a 100 pound Sulcata kept in the PacificNorthWest), that it is not cheap to feed a large Sulcata thru the winter. Here's a link to a test for you to read to make sure you'll actually really want to keep a Sulcata thru the winter. Oh...the walls of your shed will need to be reinforced because he will get mad when it's too cold for him to go out and he will ram the doors and walls...He will be able to ram is way thru 1/4 in plywood...


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Dec 18, 2008
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Hello and welcome to the forum.

A zoo is not going to take that tortoise. It is a common misconception that zoos will take them, and in fact, they absolutely will not.

Please do some leg work in trying to find the owner. If you are unable to locate the owner, please contact me and I will help you find a resource to care for him properly. I currently don't have room myself (I do reptile rescue in Michigan) but I network with several other rescues, and I know of one that will probably take him and can help you get into contact.
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