

Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2014
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I didn't know so many of you had coyotes around! I've only ever seen them at night time or early mornings. I live in the city so it's unusual that they'd be so close and out during the day. I believe they are hunting the hares and their babies. All the neighbourhood bunnies gather in the field at the end of the day. These coyotes must be hungry and looking for food. It doesn't help that the magpies and crows shred garbage bags that people put out early.

I am not concerned about my safety but I am concerned about my dog. I am going to stop by a hunting/camping store today and see if they have any type of mace for sale. Thank you all for your advice!


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2014
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Another technique that has been successful for some is to condition the wild animals to fear humans and stay far away. Some people shoot them in the butt with paintball or bb guns. It does no real damage to the animal, but it stings. All the while they are running away, they are thinking of how bad it is to be anywhere near humans. This may sound mean at first, but an animal that avoids humans and human habitation is much more likely to have a happy life out in the wild.

I love observing animals in the wild, but when they lose their innate fear of people and become de-sensitized, it usually leads to their death. An wild animal that is terrified of humans is a wild animal that will stay alive.

I actually thought of purchasing an airsoft gun but if people see me using it, they may think it's real. It's something I may look into. I believe in wild animals staying wild. You're so right - the wild animals that become desensitized to humans will be picked off in time, whether it's by being hit by a car, etc. We actually had a moose walk down our street years ago. We have a lot of ravines near my house.


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
I do understand that it is very rare occurrence. I also see/hear packs of coyotes on a regular basis. I just simply ignore them, however I don't leave my small pets in reach of them as they have taken small pets around my neighborhood.

On the other hand small children should not be left unattended for multiple reasons. There are much bigger threats then coyotes.

Agreed. I do the same.


New Member
Apr 21, 2015
Yesterday, the community met at the hall. There has been a rise in coyotes in the neighbourhood. There were cameras set in the field and an entire pack was caught on camera, during the day time. This field is a 3 minute walk from my house.

I am not worried about letting my dog outside (he is never out alone) as the entire backyard is fenced in, however I am worried about walking him. He's only a Shih Tzu, so size is a concern. What precautions should I take? What happens if I encounter them? Should I make as much noise as possible to scare them, should I pick up my dog and walk backwards without exposing my back to them?

Thank you for any advice that can be offered.

You can buy bear pepper spray at MEC (Mountain Equipment Coop). It's legal as long as you don't use it on humans.
A slingshot might also be a good idea but I think just picking up your dog is a good idea.
I see them all the time on my farm near Ottawa - they don't seem to afraid of humans.,..
Which town are you in?


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
You can buy bear pepper spray at MEC (Mountain Equipment Coop). It's legal as long as you don't use it on humans.
A slingshot might also be a good idea but I think just picking up your dog is a good idea.
I see them all the time on my farm near Ottawa - they don't seem to afraid of humans.,..
Which town are you in?

I am in Edmonton, Alberta.


10 Year Member!
May 6, 2010
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Don't know about anywhere else but coyotes are becoming extremely brazen in the great Los Angeles the point where we have PDFTC signs...because coyotes are taking food from hand...

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