Constantly pacing


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10 Year Member!
Mar 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Bellingham,Northumberland. U.K.
Hi all

Im a little vague on complete details as it is not my tortoise as such. My sister purchased a tortoise quite a few years back now, I believe it is a russian horsefield. Whilst she has an enclosure outside we do not put her in this enclosure a lot as we live in the UK and it gets cold so for the majority of the year and day she roams the downstairs of our house. It has been like this for years and she has always seemed pretty content, walking from sleeping spot to sleeping spot and having her food when we feed her etc.

Recently this year however she has suddenly been non stop walking round downstairs, going from room to room and barely taking time to rest. Before she would rest for hours but now she may be still for half hour and then shes off again. This seems a little strange and unlike her usual behaviour. Has anyone got any idea why she has suddenly become so active and if there is something wrong what I can do to make sure she is ok.

Thank You for any help
We are in a similar situation, our Russian at the moment is pacing more or less constantly. He has a tank on the floor and is never shut in with the whole of downstairs to roam but living in Northumberland it’s too cold to be outside at the moment, but saying that it makes no difference and he paces outside looking around for means of escape - he seems unhappy. He will be 8 years old in July. For maybe the first four years he mostly just chilled, had a wander and ate but now he paces for at least a couple of months. I put this down to a desire to mate but if someone experienced has an opinion I would be grateful to know. I have tried researching but haven’t really come up with anything except Russians are very active but while he is in this mood he is quite unfriendly which is not how he is normally and quite often doesn’t eat much, just charging through his food and pacing. If your tort is a female that blows my theory- but their behaviour sounds identical. While outside he will try and climb anything to escape and have found him stuck on his back a few times. Even if not enclosed he will just stride out and not stop. I would be grateful if any more experienced owners could help or is this just the way they are ?

queen koopa

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Las Vegas Nevada
We are in a similar situation, our Russian at the moment is pacing more or less constantly. He has a tank on the floor and is never shut in with the whole of downstairs to roam but living in Northumberland it’s too cold to be outside at the moment, but saying that it makes no difference and he paces outside looking around for means of escape - he seems unhappy. He will be 8 years old in July. For maybe the first four years he mostly just chilled, had a wander and ate but now he paces for at least a couple of months. I put this down to a desire to mate but if someone experienced has an opinion I would be grateful to know. I have tried researching but haven’t really come up with anything except Russians are very active but while he is in this mood he is quite unfriendly which is not how he is normally and quite often doesn’t eat much, just charging through his food and pacing. If your tort is a female that blows my theory- but their behaviour sounds identical. While outside he will try and climb anything to escape and have found him stuck on his back a few times. Even if not enclosed he will just stride out and not stop. I would be grateful if any more experienced owners could help or is this just the way they are ?
Tortoise do not like roommates of any species, so including humans that walk around the house. From what I have red about Russian’s they are the most moody and territorial. I'd say as they are getting older the more territorial they get. Ramming and pacing and trying to find safe place in the house. Floors are cold as well, may just be cold and uncomfortable. There are an abundance of threads like this about their tortoise beginning totally normal and the begins having behavior changes that lead to health issues. Then read further into the thread and you find that the tortoise is a house roamer and only has a glass cage.

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