Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
The opposite at my school. We Freecycle. And we have also been known to leave things labelled "Free to good home" by the entrance on a rat run road. The latter was my suggestion and stuff always goes. It's a regular tactic now. And it saves money on skips!
That's really good to hear.
I have emailed the lady in charge of disposing of things and offered to help she doesn't get back to me and is based in the other school we are merging with so not easy to get hold of.
I think it is really hypocritical of us to preach to the kids that we have to look after the planet but not put it into practice.
Anyway it's Friday night so I'd better get off my soap box.

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Daughter started her job with the ecology consultancy last week. It fits round her job at the filling station.

Last week they put out squares of roof felt at regular intervals for the reptiles to hide under and bask on.

Yesterday a "reptile fence" went up to prevent new ones moving in.

Today she did her first patrol looking for reptiles to move to a new home. She wasn't expecting much as the weather hasn't been great, but ...

A juvenile slow worm (a legless lizard) about 15cm/6" long put in an appearance
View attachment 203519

And now has a new home safely away from the building work due to start there this summer. All British reptiles are scarce

Here it is moving in
View attachment 203520
I moved about 70 babies from my late sister's garden a few years ago when her house was up for sale. I would have moved many more if I hadn't run out of time, but thankfully the new owners were sympathetic to them and realised the importance of their protected status.
The ecologist for the county found me a new spot to move them to so hopefully they are thriving there.
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Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening all hope everyone's OK.
I don't know where the time is going these days.
I get home form work start my chores and homework and before I know it it's bedtime again!

Only one more week to the Easter hols though!:)
I'll pop back in over the weekend.
Nos Da for now!

Lyn W

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 22, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Happy Saturday all!
A foul and fair day here today.
One minute glorious sunshine the next chilly downpours!
I have given up trying to dry my washing outside.
Lola still hasn't surfaced in spite of trying to tempt him out with food,
but he is peeping out occasionally deciding if he is going to grace me with his presence.
I've decided to treat myself to a new small car so going to research a few.
I'll see you later

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