Choosing a tortoise!!!

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Apr 15, 2008
I have been on here once before after doing some extensive research. I live in Southern North Carolina ( about an hour from South Carolina), and want to pick the absolute best tortoise for my first one! I was told before that a Russian would be friendly, playful, and easy to manage in my 3br house. I don't have a yard that I can build him his own home yet but in May I might! But definately have room to take him outside for about an hour a day or so. I chose to wait on getting a tortoise until I was ready and financially stable to provide the best care for it.

So that leads to me the question, is a Russian my only option for keeping him indoors to sleep? I do have an enclosed, all organic, garden outside that he could stay in during the day. After looking at the Russian, I like the patterns that other tortoises carry. I have the room for a large tank/ house for him to live indoors.

Can anyone help? The more I look into this the more stressed I get, I just want to be able to care for him the correct way.:rolleyes:

Maggie Cummings

h2turtle said:
I have been on here once before after doing some extensive research. I live in Southern North Carolina ( about an hour from South Carolina), and want to pick the absolute best tortoise for my first one! I was told before that a Russian would be friendly, playful, and easy to manage in my 3br house. I don't have a yard that I can build him his own home yet but in May I might! But definately have room to take him outside for about an hour a day or so. I chose to wait on getting a tortoise until I was ready and financially stable to provide the best care for it.

So that leads to me the question, is a Russian my only option for keeping him indoors to sleep? I do have an enclosed, all organic, garden outside that he could stay in during the day. After looking at the Russian, I like the patterns that other tortoises carry. I have the room for a large tank/ house for him to live indoors.

Can anyone help? The more I look into this the more stressed I get, I just want to be able to care for him the correct way.:rolleyes:

I would also recommend a Russian...But you're saying 'tortoise' would you consider a box turtle? They are more fun! Personable and outgoing, and friendly. They would also do better in the house.
One other used the word "tank". Please don't put any turtle/tortoise in an aquarium. There just isn't a good enough air flow and they are hard to keep a steady temperature. You'd have to wrap something around the glass so the animal doesn't spend all his time trying to go thru the glass into the other room that he can see. You could get a rubbermaid tub for cheap and it would be better for the turtle. You mentioned the pattern on the carapace...if you want a beautiful turtle get an Eastern Box turtle they have lots of color. I have a small colony of Ornata, (ornates), and they are beautiful to look at with colorful patterned shells, friendly and fun. I hope this helps you some. Good luck with your decision...


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Jan 22, 2008
Hi...Welcome back. Have you looked at Box Turtles? They also have great personalities. No matter what species you get, they will be much healthier in a secure outdoor pen whenever temps are over about 60. With proper bedding, some Box turtles can be out all winter. I have Russians and love them. You could make an inside tortoise table for him for the cold weather. See enclosures. As far as the garden, it depends what is in it. Also, the fencing needs to be down into the ground 6" - 12" so they don't dig out. When you say you have a garden, do you mean a flower/veggie garden or a yard-with-grass garden?
If you aren't sure yet what you want, keep looking, and get your set up done before getting your pet. You will need a UVB & a heat light for indoor living.
If you only have a small living space, please make sure the species you decide on doesn't get very big. They are so cute & colorful as babies, but not manageable when they get bigger and have no grazing area...and end up in a rescue.
Good luck


10 Year Member!
Dec 25, 2007
Nearly all tortoises do better outdoors when it's warm, but if you want an indoor tortoise, get a testudo kleinmanni (egyptian tortoise). They actually do better indoors in most areas because they need LOW humidity and warmth year-round. That's why I got mine. I wanted something that could live inside with me. However, they aren't especially cheap and they're pretty difficult to find. Also, they are an endangered species so I wouldn't recommend them for anyone who isn't REALLY serious about giving them proper care for a LIFETIME. So, they're a great choice, but you need to be sure that you're willing to care for one for the rest of your life and maybe put it in your will to your favorite child. ;)
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