check it out. temperature contoller/thermostat for cheap

SGT Fish

Active Member
Sep 1, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Columbus, Ohio
I just ordered two of these temperature controllers to try out for my animals. One will be used for the heated/insulated night box I am designing for my 12 inch sulcata.

they take a little bit of wiring knowhow but there are a lot of instructions online and even in the amazon comments. All that needs wired is the power cord and output outlets. most people use them for controlling the temperature of their beer they are fermenting. They come with a temp probe already on a 7ft line. and can even have an alarm for letting you know when something isnt right. And they can even control a cooling unit.

I may end up using mine in conjunction with flexwatt to heat the substrate and a CHE, MVB, and or oil radiator heater

Just thought I'd pass on the info for anyone that wants to do something a little fancier/cheaper than the standard $30+ dial thermostat. the controller is called the inkbird ITC-2000.

SGT Fish

Active Member
Sep 1, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Columbus, Ohio
Oh, and if you look in the comments you can see how some guys installed them in a standard electrical box to hold all their wires and the outlet


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I love the concept - it looks like an extremely affordable slightly do-it-your-selfy version of the vivarium electronics thermostats I use. I'm so nervous about buying thermostats not designed to keep creatures alive though. I'd love to know if they're being used for herps because that sounds like a great option.

SGT Fish

Active Member
Sep 1, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Columbus, Ohio
From what I read, it's pretty accurate and the same company sells complete units with those parts for 42 bucks on amazon and they mention using it for reptiles and other animals


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It almost sounds too cheap. That always makes me suspect. This isn't something that you can plug a light/heat into, correct, it has to be hard wired to the outlet? Or did I read that wrong?

SGT Fish

Active Member
Sep 1, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Columbus, Ohio
Most people wire an outlet or two to the unit so that you can simply plug in your desired appliance. The unit is simply a thermostat that has a heat switch and cooling switch. If the temp probe feels it being too cold, it allows power through the heat switch to warm the room. Same with the cooling. The unit is so cheap because it isn't assembled into a complete product. You can save a lot of money by trading your time for it.


Sep 3, 2015
Looks like a great buy. If you have the knowhow to wire things like this, you can save a ton of money. I agree that 90% of what we pay for in a ready to go product is the knowledge that we don't have to put the piece together from its basic parts.