change of names ?


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Nov 10, 2013
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IMG_0485.JPGhas anyone named their tortoise then the name just didn't fit ? I originally wanted to call our new addition Owen, or Noah.. kids didn't like the names, they liked Fred or squirt. not sure why>> but last night after Fred refused to eat his greens and went on a food strike . staring at me with those deep brown eyes the name Romeo stuck in my brain... :D so for all our new friends we are meeting we have a name change here... :tort: ROMEO
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Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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:D Seems the older I get, the more I do this. Not just because I forget what I had come up with them or because the name has been used before but also like you, the name just did not "fit".


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LOL Jaqui... I too "forget" my kids, dogs, I call them all the wrong names (only to get to roll of the eyes) HA! I am so smitten with this little guy and believe me, he def is Romeo... I never knew that Torts had personalities, I tried to explain this to a non Tort person, and they just think I am crazy...


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That's funny I was just thinking of doing the same thing. My little one was named Tucker but it isn't fitting him/her. I'm thinking about what would be more fitting. :D


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I don't name mine. They either name themselves or the situation names them. For instance, my smallest Sully is Rollo. We were at the reptile show in Arlington tx, and every time we went by the Sully tank, the smallest tort in there was on his back. My niece told the lady about 10 times, when we were leaving she HAD to go check the poor little guy one more time and sure enough, he was on his back. To keep my Niece from having a break down, and because they put up a two for sign, we just went ahead an bought Rollo (Roll-over = Rollo) and the next smallest who actually cut my niece with his shell was so sharp on the back. His name? Razor! lol... Anyway, until their names come out I do not name them.


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perfect names Saleama...
Tucker is a very cute name tort4u...
we have hermit crabs that we really dont have names for, or if kids name them I dont remember (LOL) we unfortunately had a funeral for 1 over the weekend. :( and I felt bad we had no name... it's funny how with each of my animals a name I thought was a fit, wasnt, and the name just pops in my head... I found so many cool names here.. guess I may have to get a few more torts so I can pick some :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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smylemaker said:
I found so many cool names here.. guess I may have to get a few more torts so I can pick some :p

You do know will happen right? None of the tortoises you get, will fit with those names you want to use. :D

Saleama, I love the names and the story that goes with them. :)


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Jacqui said:
smylemaker said:
I found so many cool names here.. guess I may have to get a few more torts so I can pick some :p

You do know will happen right? None of the tortoises you get, will fit with those names you want to use. :D

Saleama, I love the names and the story that goes with them. :)

I like to have a story behind the name. My first two are Nacho and Taco. We were eating lunch after attending Reptican Houston and I had the little box open on the table. The two little sullys were hiding in the back but the box was open. My cousin asked my niece what she was going to get. My niece said she relly wanted a taco. It was at this time, the little guy ran out of the box onto the table. At that point his name of coe becme Taco. My cousin looked at the waitress and said she did not know if she wanted tacos or nachos and guess who decided to come out and play. The Manager came to our table and asked if we had turtles. I told him no, we had TORTOISE. He asked see them and offered to bring them a salad!


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Jacqui said:
:D Seems the older I get, the more I do this. Not just because I forget what I had come up with them or because the name has been used before but also like you, the name just did not "fit".

Jacqui, come on, you know it's because you forgot:p :D


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cant help but to chuckle with these posts... I just love how you come up with the names Jacqui, I think those names that have reasons why or how they came about are best <3 your right names I think I like wont fit when or if I ever add to our family... always loved the names Owen & Noah .. but seeing so many of the names here are just too adorable to resist.... UT OH more cute names may mean more cute torts :p


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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wellington said:
Jacqui said:
:D Seems the older I get, the more I do this. Not just because I forget what I had come up with them or because the name has been used before but also like you, the name just did not "fit".

Jacqui, come on, you know it's because you forgot:p :D

Hey, I have to save face some how! :D

smylemaker said:
cant help but to chuckle with these posts... I just love how you come up with the names Jacqui, I think those names that have reasons why or how they came about are best <3

Wait a sec, let's not change her name to Jacqui. She is much more a Saleama, then a Jacqui. :D


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I am so conphusseled... I had to re-read posts and figure out who I meant (LOL) now what did I name my Russian Tort? HA!