Cat HELP!! Stroke?


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Jun 24, 2012
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Thank you all, not only for checking in today but for being there last night, may not have seemed it maybe I did but I was kind of a mess from anxiety and fear, so it really helped having people to talk to in that time.

Heather H

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Jan 9, 2015
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Hi just a suggestion. Take a list of his foods with you. My vet always asks what they are eating. Including treats. Glad he is feeling better today :)

Heather H

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2015
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N.E. ohio
Thank you all, not only for checking in today but for being there last night, may not have seemed it maybe I did but I was kind of a mess from anxiety and fear, so it really helped having people to talk to in that time.
100% understood. He's your baby.


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We're taking him to the vet for blood work. Just want to be sure everything is ok and something's not off. My opinion is that while it'll be stressful it's important to at least check, we wonder if it's possible diabetes could cause such a thing and the vet last time said it could be possible he develop diabetes because he was overweight. No idea if seizure is related to diabetes in cats but it'll just make us all feel better.

I understand what you are saying....when age can be a factor I always opt for calm and let life take its natural path is all....hope all works out well the way, pretty cat :)


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I agree its worth the stress if its something that treatment can control or cure. I hope it is something simple!!! Keep us posted.I am glad he is doing better lets hope for the best.


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I understand what you are saying....when age can be a factor I always opt for calm and let life take its natural path is all....hope all works out well the way, pretty cat :)
Glad you aren't taking care of me when I get old. Jk:p


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Jun 24, 2012
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Cats not home yet but mum called from the road, they drew blood gotta wait on results but we have to keep an eye on him... And strain his urine... How the heck do you do that?!!


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How is Semore doing ? I am wondering if he may have a urinary blockage as a lot of the low cost foods are high in ash content and can cause problems in toms.


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Jun 24, 2012
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How is Semore doing ? I am wondering if he may have a urinary blockage as a lot of the low cost foods are high in ash content and can cause problems in toms.
He's been fine, but I'm now away for a little less than a week so won't be too filled in on how he is other than good or bad, they want a urine sample so we'll find out one way or another


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Aug 4, 2014
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If you need a urine sample, give him an empty litter box. This way, when he pees, you can suck it up in a syringe or put it in a container in the fridge. Or, if you notice him going to pee, put a food dish under his rear really quickly and hope that pee makes it in the dish.

Urine analysis will be looking for bacteria, crystals, blood in urine, etc. I think it's a good idea to have blood and urine samples. Gives you an idea of what's going on internally.

You're doing all you can as an owner. I think it was wise to go to a vet. All you can do is keep your kitty comfy until results come in. Best of luck to you and yours. :<3: Hope your baby is feeling better.


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Jun 24, 2012
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If you need a urine sample, give him an empty litter box. This way, when he pees, you can suck it up in a syringe or put it in a container in the fridge. Or, if you notice him going to pee, put a food dish under his rear really quickly and hope that pee makes it in the dish.

Urine analysis will be looking for bacteria, crystals, blood in urine, etc. I think it's a good idea to have blood and urine samples. Gives you an idea of what's going on internally.

You're doing all you can as an owner. I think it was wise to go to a vet. All you can do is keep your kitty comfy until results come in. Best of luck to you and yours. :<3: Hope your baby is feeling better.
They gave us a little tiny cup of plastic litter to put in then strain out the urine once he went... unfortunately my family decided to do it while I was away on my trip and the cat went in the plastic litter but also left a poop too and my mum up and decided no way was she using the dropper to suck up the urine and just dumped fresh litter over it,... I mean I get its gross but it was necessary to at least test it... so I guess i'll be getting real personal with the cats bathroom habits and eventually his urine, because I still think it really needs to be done, so thanks for the ideas on the catch with a dish... yucky but it'll work... cant be worse than having a tort pee on you I mean at least this is just my hands.

Thankfully I'm ok with anything that comes out of that end... but anything out of the mouth end I cant deal with.


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Aug 4, 2014
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Yes, for some, these things can be gross. A litter box that's empty would be easiest. They may not be fond of an empty litter box and may pee elsewhere. If they pee on a floor that doesn't have carpet, having a syringe would be great - could suck up the pee. Try the plastic litter as well, may feel more comfortable with something in the box. After your cat has peed, you can push the litter to one side and tilt the box slightly. The pee should collect on one side. Syringe it up and keep in the fridge if the sample can't be given immediately within that day. The fresher the sample, the better. Another option is to have the vet try and express the bladder with their hands and collect what comes out. A last resort would be a needle aspirate to get a sample of urine. If the cat isn't hydrated enough to express, subcutaneous fluid under the skin may help after absorbed. The bladder should be full. Hope all is well.


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Jun 24, 2012
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Yes, for some, these things can be gross. A litter box that's empty would be easiest. They may not be fond of an empty litter box and may pee elsewhere. If they pee on a floor that doesn't have carpet, having a syringe would be great - could suck up the pee. Try the plastic litter as well, may feel more comfortable with something in the box. After your cat has peed, you can push the litter to one side and tilt the box slightly. The pee should collect on one side. Syringe it up and keep in the fridge if the sample can't be given immediately within that day. The fresher the sample, the better. Another option is to have the vet try and express the bladder with their hands and collect what comes out. A last resort would be a needle aspirate to get a sample of urine. If the cat isn't hydrated enough to express, subcutaneous fluid under the skin may help after absorbed. The bladder should be full. Hope all is well.
it took the cat 2 days to use the little plastic litter... and he let out a whole lot of both urine and poop... unfortunately this was while I was away and my mum decided it was too disgusting to deal with and just poured regular litter over it... which makes me extremely frustrated because as gross as it was it needed to be done and I would have done it.
Kind of frustrated at the vet too since we'd gone before and the vet wanted to test for diabetes and did the push on the bladder thing so I don't understand why they didn't just do that...
The cat enjoys peeing on my stuff... but unfortunely you cant syringe it out of fabric by the time you catch it...


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2014
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I understand your frustration. I'm sorry that you're having to go through all that. Have any results come back yet for the blood work? How's your cat doing? Hope all is well.


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Jun 24, 2012
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I understand your frustration. I'm sorry that you're having to go through all that. Have any results come back yet for the blood work? How's your cat doing? Hope all is well.
The bloodwork came back all clear, which really makes me wish the urine sample could have been done, but I've already ranted that frustration.

He's been acting normal, eating normal and all that. I just really don't know what to think.

Heather H

Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2015
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N.E. ohio
The bloodwork came back all clear, which really makes me wish the urine sample could have been done, but I've already ranted that frustration.

He's been acting normal, eating normal and all that. I just really don't know what to think.
It may never happen again. I was wondering...did he go into the bathroom with your sister? Had it recently been cleaned?


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Jun 24, 2012
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It may never happen again. I was wondering...did he go into the bathroom with your sister? Had it recently been cleaned?
The vet had said when a cat has a stroke it is likely to happen again because it is not good. But I only take that a little at its word.. I should believe them more but internet research says it could be one time.
We tried to rule out any possible toxins that could have caused it, because its what seemed most logical. He didn't follow her into the bathroom, its our small little half bathroom so she keeps the door open brushing her teeth and he never wandered in because that's just when she started freaking out and calling for me because he was walking loops and stumbling. I'm trying to think back, and although the bathroom may not have been just cleaned it was a sunday and that is cleaning day so its likely it was cleaned earlier that day.


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Jun 24, 2012
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I just want to thank everyone who was here again, because the night it happened I was very much in need of support, and although I never directly said that everyone being here made it more tolerable. I mean I genuinely was worried i'd wake up to no cat.

So yeah, thank you all again, even though this is the tortoise forum you guys are so much more to me than that and are the people I trusted my cat to too. I mean y'all have kept Nank alive the 3 years I've had him through all my learning and have been here through other tough times as well <3


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The vet had said when a cat has a stroke it is likely to happen again because it is not good. But I only take that a little at its word.. I should believe them more but internet research says it could be one time.
We tried to rule out any possible toxins that could have caused it, because its what seemed most logical. He didn't follow her into the bathroom, its our small little half bathroom so she keeps the door open brushing her teeth and he never wandered in because that's just when she started freaking out and calling for me because he was walking loops and stumbling. I'm trying to think back, and although the bathroom may not have been just cleaned it was a sunday and that is cleaning day so its likely it was cleaned earlier that day.
May I ask what do you clean with ? Products such as pine sol or Lysol can be toxic .