Cactus Chips

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Kapidolo Farms

Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Nov 7, 2012
Location (City and/or State)
South of Southern California, but not Mexico
Hey All,

I am selling Cactus Chips, dried Opuntia Cactus, never heated to temps that destroy proteins, and older pads with reduced calcium oxalate crystals and higher calcium than young pads.

TFO discount still applies for four once purchase or more.

Four ounce regular price is $25.99 TFO member pay $23.39 (10% off)

Ten ounce regular price is $55.99 TFO members pay $50.99 (10% off)

Sample one ounce is now $7.50 (postal issues) no discount. It costs the same to ship a one ounce package as it does to ship the four ounce based on the shape of the envelope, not the weight.

These prices include shipping to your mainland USA address, Canada and England are more.

If you want a different amount I can do that.

One ounce of dried Opuntia is about 10 ounces as fresh. Pads are 90% water. I have held back a small amount of the first pads I dried (and each subsequent batch), they look the same as those I have just dried this week. I keep the hold back samples in a kitchen cabinet (just like you might).

Eating acceptance is high, many tortoises will just eat it stand alone for the first offering. Others, it works best to rehydrate and mix in with diet items already accepted. As it is dry you are not compelled to hurry up and use it before it goes bad, it takes no refrigerator space, and the nutrition content makes it one of the best food available.

No green thumb required.

PM here on TFO with your interest, or text/call Will 215-483-7675, or email [email protected] I am Kapidolo Farms and Kapidolo on FaceBook. Kapidolo is a free information source and news regarding tortoises and turtles.

PayPal 'friends and family' is best for my TFO friends to use. is the main Web presence of Kapidolo Farms
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