Building an outside enclosure

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5 Year Member
Jan 17, 2010
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La Mesa, CA.
I got my hatchlings in I think Oct. and bought a 3'X3" aquarium. Then I turned an entertainment center into a tort table now my nieghbor is going to sell me a 6'X6' chain link dog run. I am very excited because my torts are little so this will give them a safe place to go out side for some sunshine. I put them out in a rabit cage now, but I still worry about them. I do have some questions.
Should I use boards or brick to line the cage?
Should I put it on the outside or inside?
Is the regular backyard dirt okay or should I fill it with something else?
Will a snake eat a small tortoise or do they stick to warm blooded animals?
As you can tell I am nervous about them going outside. Maybe I will build it and plant it and wait until next spring to let them use it.
Any thoughts?

Terry Allan Hall

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Angi said:
I got my hatchlings in I think Oct. and bought a 3'X3" aquarium. Then I turned an entertainment center into a tort table now my nieghbor is going to sell me a 6'X6' chain link dog run. I am very excited because my torts are little so this will give them a safe place to go out side for some sunshine. I put them out in a rabit cage now, but I still worry about them. I do have some questions.
Should I use boards or brick to line the cage?

I'd go w/ bricks...boards will eventually rot

Should I put it on the outside or inside?


Is the regular backyard dirt okay or should I fill it with something else?

The regular backyard dirt is probably fine, so long as you remove any foreign debris (cigarette butts, dog poo, trash beneath the top level) prior to moving them outside.

Will a snake eat a small tortoise or do they stick to warm blooded animals?

Probably not...where do you live? Kingsnakes, baby ratsnakes, etc. do eat other snakes/lizards, but the only snake that might possibly eat a tortoise might be a green anaconda...not too many of those in your 'hood, I'm guessing. :)

As you can tell I am nervous about them going outside. Maybe I will build it and plant it and wait until next spring to let them use it.

Great idea...plant weeds and other tasties and let them become established over the next several spring, you'll have a nice lil' Slice of Paradise for your torts! :cool:
Any thoughts?



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Jan 17, 2010
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La Mesa, CA.
Thanks Terry. The reason I wasn't sure about the bricks on the inside or outside is I was afraid the wire could hurt them if they tried to climb it. Of course bricks on the inside would make it much smaller.
Sadly my great deals are coming from nieghbors that are losing their houses. My street is full of repos. I also got a bunch of cinder block and keystone. I am going to try and move some boulders now. : ( I will miss my nieghbors.


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Take pics as you go so we can see how it's coming along :)

Yvonne G

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I would use redwood 1x12's to line the INSIDE of the dog run. You don't want the babies to be able to get stuck in the chain link, or to try to climb it. The boards will stand up against the chain link, and will not go down into the ground, so will last a very long time without rotting.

I'll try to find pictures here on the forum of other dog runs made into tortoise habitats and post the links for you.

Here's one link...if you click on the picture you can see a larger view:


Active Member
5 Year Member
Jan 17, 2010
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La Mesa, CA.
That is a good idea Yvonne. I think I shoud dig around the outside and line with brick so they can't dig their way out and also go up th sides with rabbit wire to keep snakes out. I don't want rattlers getting in.
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