best way to keep dogs out ?

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5 Year Member
Dec 4, 2011
wellington said:
Just wondering? Do you have a leash law where you live? Do you have a lot of dogs that come onto your property? If the answer is yes to the above, I would make the owners pay and have the city enforce their laws and fine the owners. I bet after a few fines, they will keep their dogs at home. Just another thought. :D
Behind every problem dog, is really just a stupid owner :p

I wish : ( idk if anyone elses problem with dogs is comparable to ours but I live way out in the country and we have wild dogs (legitmate generations of unowned mutts) that will run through occasionally. They often get hit by cars, shot by farmers, or die of diseases related to having no veterinary care (but usually bred and birth feral pups 1st) until they do they are a menace to anyone with outside animals. I LOVE all animals; but situations like these really irk me as there is no solution that is right for the dogs that is also right for the community.


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10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Has anyone ever contact a dog rescue? They may try to trap and rehabilitate? Just a thought, don't really know if they would have the resources for that. It makes me sick that people just dump their dogs like that. They become ferral and a problem and unfortunately the dogs have to pay for their owners ignorance. That is really to sad :(.


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2011
We live extremely far out and don't have any lease laws like that..
We have feral dogs here too, and wild cats that just wonder looking for food that I have seen a couple of times. plus skunks and hawks and lots of raccoons. Bob cats
and feral hogs
So we need good fencing


Well-Known Member
10 Year Member!
Tortoise Club
Sep 6, 2011
Location (City and/or State)
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Put a couple sky scrapers in that mix of animals and I would be in hog heaven. All I have is rats and rabbits in my yard. Once I had a opossum, a fox and a female peacock in or around my yard but that's all. We do have coyote that runs down town, hawks to help with the pigeon over population a couple cougars that have been spotted in the forest preserves and of course deer. But most of them you'll never see. We do have ducks, geese and seagulls that fly over. Non have landed in my pond yet. Once in a while, in the worst part of the city, not where i live, they will let cats go, to help with the rat over population. Good luck with your fencing. I really do hope it keeps your torts safe and the animals out so they can be safe also :D
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