Baby Red Foot Continued

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5 Year Member
Sep 14, 2013
I posted a couple of days ago about my baby red foots, named Rake and Ruin. Rake seems to be doing well (and our terrarium is in the process of being constructed), but Ruin isn't as regular. While Rake walks around, albeit briefly, eats, poops, drinks and seems all around alert, Ruin perks up only really after his soak. He sometimes has his eyes closed until his drink. I've decided to limit the UV lamp, thinking it's maybe too bright. It's only on for 2-3 hours a day now and they hide for a lot of the time it's on. Also, Ruin only really eats about every other day, and a lot less than Rake, who has a great appetite every day. He takes a couple nibbles of the mix (spring mix/greens, squash, mushroom sometimes, berry sometimes, and the pellet from breeder) He took a couple bites of a banana today, though I'm reluctant to feed that since I know it's addicting (I mainly just wanted to see if he would) Is it "normal" for a baby to eat so infrequently, at least by human standards?

I haven't noticed any bulling - they sleep either on top of one another or right next to one another. Neither has snapped at the other during any time. The humidity in the hide is 70%-90% depends on when I've misted. Hot area is about 90, with the hide ranging between 72-82 depending on when sprayed, again.


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What kind of lighting are you using? If I remember correctly, RF don't like it really bright like a mvb would give off. If I'm wrong, hopefully a RF owner will chime in and correct me. If you are using a coil type bulb, that is also a problem. They cause eye problems. Not every single tort has problems with the coil bulbs, but a lot do. Replace it with fluorescent. Same if using a mvb if my memory served me correctly.


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Do you have any pictures of your set up? There deff shouldn't be any temps as low as 72 unless it's at night. Redfoots like it consistently in the 80s. Also, are you soaking them both daily in warm water for 15-30mins. This done in the morning usually gets the little ones up and going. At least to poop, eat, and walk around a bit before finding a spot for nap time. This also will help with clean up since you've caught the one eating poop, more often than not they will go while being soaked rather than in their enclosure.


5 Year Member
Sep 14, 2013
I have an 18 inch fluorescent in there for uv, currently on only 3 hrs a day, as stated above. They do get a soak every day and perk up after that. Rake eats, poops, drinks and wanders for a couple min before going to sleep. Ruin drinks and nibbles once or twice and goes back to hide. He eats a bit more every other day. I think I have too much heat escaping currently. Is a heat pad by the hide a good or bad idea?


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I agree with Whitney about making sure the temps are above 80. High humidity with low temps can cause respiratory issues. I, personally, wouldn't use a heat pad. If you had to, then use it with a thermostat. I believe you had them temporarily in a 15 gallon tank? Get foil to cover the top for a quick fix for the heat. If you can, post pics of your setup.


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Dec 7, 2012
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Many tort keepers are against using heat pads. Unfortunately I read your other thread and your major issue seems to be not being able to provide an adequate space for your tortoises. Heat is most likely the problem and you need to leave your light on to do this. Hatchlings will hide often even if there is no lighting but they need heat and the minerals from the lamp to digest their food properly. Unless you had a coil bulb the light shouldn't be bothering their eyes. See if leaving the light on brings your temperature up and if not you will need to invest in a CHE for heating. I know you said you don't have room for another bulb but many will tell you 15gal is too small for one tortoise, let alone 2. My first outgrew his 20gal in about 6months. It sounds to me like you'll probably have to invest in something larger until your permanent enclosure is made.


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When you get a larger enclosure for them, I would suggest a heat emitter. (no light...just heat) along with the tube light, which really doesn't give off much heat.


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I am curious to know if maybe the little guy isnt opening his eyes because he is not hydrated enough, or the humidity isn't enough for him. That would be something i would be thinking about...


5 Year Member
Sep 14, 2013
I do have a CHE over the middle of it, but maybe I need another or a lid. I'm hoping to finish the enclosure this weekend but I can move them to a plastic tub in the mean time. Humidity seems to stay around 80% in the hide where they mostly spend time and I moved the CHE from the middle to closer to hide and it's 80 in there now. I have the wire frame for the CHE, which I was told to get, but I feel that the heat might be escaping some to the sides. How to I combat this?


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I like the mvb lights. They provide ALOT of heat. I only turn on the heat emitter at night with my mvb. And it never bothered my redfoots. Now, with a bigger enclosure, one might need another heat source constantly.

Ann from CT


5 Year Member
Sep 14, 2013
Thanks everyone. What should I aim for night temp and humidity? I've gotten mixed results searching. It's been about 70-72 when I turn the heat off, with 70ish for humidity.


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Here's what I've done for the past 6 years. Everyone does things differently, and there is no right way, only what works for you. I have a 125 gal. vivarium with a screen top. On each side I have a hole in the screen with the CHE in the hole. In the middle is the long tube 5.0 UVB, (fixture for a 20 gal tank). The whole screen top is covered with clear wrapping tape, except for the middle where the UVB is. The temp. is maintained between 80 - 85, through out the viv. I never shut off the two CHE, only the light at night. The humidity stays at 65 - 70, but in the hide it's around 80.
I have the same set up on a smaller scale for my small box turtles that have to stay inside for the Winter.

This is the smaller viv with the heat emitter's through a hole in the screen top.


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At night you usually won't want the temp to drop below the 70s. Your location will really play a big part in this, I didn't really catch where you're from. Since I live in AZ heating is never really an issue. I keep my house at 78° so at night I just turn my humidifier and MVB off and during the day I only have to use my MVB to provide heat/light. The only time I have used my CHE was in the winter. But like I said before if you live somewhere really cold heating is going to be more difficult. As far as covering the top to keep heat in that doesn't seem like it should be an issue. Usually people cover their enclosures for humidity purposes. I'd say if your heat isn't where you want it I'd invest in a MVB or find a higher wattage CHE.


5 Year Member
Sep 14, 2013
Maybe I have a defective CHE. It's supposedly 150w and it doesn't seem to provide as much heat as I thought. I did invest in another heat lamp. Now it's 82 in the hide during the day and when I turn one off it's about 75. Is that acceptable? The basking area is in the 90s.

I live in New Jersey btw. So not terribly cold. My house stays in the low 70s (can I turn off both heating sources at night?) TerryO, I saw pics of your vivarium before - actually sort of an inspiration for mine, which the husband is currently working on. Ours is not a tank, but wood and plexi (47x18x14 - since both torts fit in my hand right now). I plan on building another in 2 years or so when they get bigger. I'm hoping the plants will help with the humidity, once I have that all set up. What's the temp in the hide normally? That's where is seems the lowest for me (due to it being the most humid) and since they spend all their time their, that's why they might be cool. Any suggestions on live plants for the viv? It's just a screen on yours and the heat is maintained? Why is my little temp tank having issues maintaining in the 80s then.


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Wow, Jew Jersey is right over the bridge from me. I put clear wrapping tape on the top of the screen. I like it because I can change it when it get's dirty, and it keeps the temp up there for me. Inside the hide is cooler....about 70 - 73. I have a 40 gal breeder with one 60 wt. heat emitter in the middle, instead of two, and the temp. stays at 85. I shut it off at night. It's for 4 baby box turtles that are inside now. When mine were little, (the tortoises) I put a lot of plants and sprayed them each AM when they came out to eat, and then again in the afternoon when they came out to eat again, and the humidity was good.I used any tropical plants from Home Depot. I just washed the roots and repotted them with new soil. This is my favorite site for plants. I use it all the time for the boxies too.

Just remember that everyone does things diferently and it's just how I do it. Not written in stone.
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