baby girl stressed???

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10 Year Member!
Aug 17, 2009
Hey guys. my new aldabra came home Tuesday. the first 2 days seem really good. she wandered her habitat, and munched. I kept my distance from her so she could get use to us other than her baths I haven't really handled her. I think wendsday night I made her mad by taking her out of the corner she likes and putting her in her room.... Well last night we had a cold front roll in.. don't worry, I didn't let her get cold for a second...The front came in late at night... The problem is that the door on her room wont be up until tomorrow , so I had to get a Rubbermaid water trouph. I put two heat emitters and a kane mat under the trouph. The temps are good, but all day yesterday she seemed real reclusive and shy.. she stayed in her corner all day.. She got a bath before I put her in her temp housing, and took a healthy poop..... She just seems like she is stressed.. I came home from lunch and she hasn't moved an inch.. I made her a good meal and not touched... I am really praying she is just stressed and not sick,, other than a hiss when I pick her up she doesn't have any breathing noises.. when she bathes she poops, but doesn't really sink her head in the water.... please tell me I am just a nervous parent.. she has a vet appointment Thursday. I made it before she even came home.. I want to weigh her but don't want to handle her any just yet... if anyone can help with questions or advise please do.... Thank you


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Sep 6, 2011
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It does take torts a while to really get settled in. I actually see this alot on here. The first day, the torts all over, etc, then the next day or so, they are just staying in a corner. I think she is just a little stressed by the whole moving to a new home, and then you moving her again, it's only been since Tuesday. I would double check your temps and humidity, she does need humidity and keep soaking her at least once a day and keep offering food. Give her some time to get settled. I also read sometime ago on this forum that it takes Aldabra's until they are around two years of age to start getting more friendly and more out going.


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10 Year Member!
Aug 17, 2009
`Thanks.. I knew it was going to take some time, and understand why she is stressed.. It just kinda scared me when she lost her appetite.. She had such a strong one the first day.. but I just came home from work and it wasn't much, but she did eat a little of her food, and she moved to her cool side.. her hot side is at 87 degrees, cool side 82.. I am going to go ahead and weigh her before her soak.. I guess id rather over react then under when it comes to her health..Thank you again for your response.


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The first 2-4 yrs of an aldabras life you must expect them to be very timid. It takes time to adjust to the new surroundings and even human interaction.


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Sep 6, 2011
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You do have a basking spot of 95+ too correct? Glad she ate some. It's very nerve racking with a new tort. I'm sure all will be good. Just be very careful with the vet you take her too. Many vets, even reptile vets, do not seem to have enough knowledge of tortoises and seems to do too many wrong things. Double check that the vet has had experience treating tortoises. I, have a leopard that is 25 months old now. I have never taken him to the vet. I will never take him to the vet, unless something goes wrong. I used to work for a vet years ago. I do believe in them. I just don't believe in wasting money on something that isn't wrong. Just my opinion.
Good luck.

Yellow Turtle

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Even with my 2.5 years aldabra, he seems to be still on the shy side. He's enjoying a head stroke and neck rub now though, and for certain not as shy or run away like when I have him a year before.

How old is your aldabra now?


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wellington said:
It does take torts a while to really get settled in // Give her some time to get settled // I also read sometime ago on this forum that it takes Aldabra's until they are around two years of age to start getting more friendly and more out going.

* Many variables and opinions within this subject. Our experience is that females tend to be naturally more shy than males at all ages.


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10 Year Member!
Aug 17, 2009
She seems great. I knew I was overreacting . My wife reminded me of when we brought our son home from the hospital, for about three weeks every time he sneezed or coughed I was ready to rush up to the hospital.. I am so glad she is here to make fun of me every chance she gets.... The tub she is in is working out great.. It has helped her relax a lot, and I can watch over her and monitor her without her knowing im there... weight is great , and she hasn't skipped a meal yet.. yesterday I caught her sleeping in her basking spot with her neck and limbs completely out of the shell... sooo dang cute.... I think over the next two weeks I am going to just let her roam her pen in the hot hours of the day, then bring her back in during the cool... This way I can watch her closely and it will help her get use to my touch, and voice.. The only reason I am taking her to the vet is to evaluate the vet.. We have a zoo like attraction called Tupelo Buffalo Park, and they recommended him to me.. I also want her to be in their system just in case she ever does get sick or need medical attention they will have her on file.. but she is doing great.. she doesn't pull her head in all the way anymore when she sees me now so im glad she is adjusting.. thank you all again, and I will be posting updates and pics on here more frequently .
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