Are these ok?


New Member
Mar 16, 2014
I apologize if you have already answered this questions. I was a little overwhelmed at all the threads for this forum topic and I did not read all of the responses. I have a very new (baby) desert tortoise and he likes to pick and choose which weeds he wants to eat. I've noticed that he turns his nose up to some of the weeds but LOVES to eat these (see pic). I think they are called parry dalea (but I'm not sure) and I'm wondering if it's ok if he eats them. He will hunt all around the yard until he finds them, then seems like he's in heaven when he does! Does he have a sixth sense about what he should and should not eat?

Thanks for any help...



  • Dsc00063.jpg
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Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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For me, that's not enough to go on. I'll need to see more of the plant.


New Member
Mar 16, 2014
Here is a better picture. It might not be the same weed that I thought it was. He loves to eat it though. He will walk all around the yard turning his nose up at everything except this. :)


  • 2014-03-19 09.44.41.jpg
    2014-03-19 09.44.41.jpg
    616.9 KB · Views: 37


5 Year Member
Jul 19, 2011
jmbs said:
I apologize if you have already answered this questions. I was a little overwhelmed at all the threads for this forum topic and I did not read all of the responses. I have a very new (baby) desert tortoise and he likes to pick and choose which weeds he wants to eat. I've noticed that he turns his nose up to some of the weeds but LOVES to eat these (see pic). I think they are called parry dalea (but I'm not sure) and I'm wondering if it's ok if he eats them. He will hunt all around the yard until he finds them, then seems like he's in heaven when he does! Does he have a sixth sense about what he should and should not eat?

Thanks for any help...


it looks like your picture is from here:

if so, it's not very helpful to submit a picture that isn't actually of the plant you are trying to best you will just find someone confirming that the website is correct in their ID of what they are showing

please submit a photo of what you are actually seeing in your yard if you need someone in the forum to attempt an ID


New Member
Mar 16, 2014
2014-03-19 09.44.41.jpgWellll.... again, I apologize! It sounds like I'm irritating some people in this forum. I am very new to this site and I'm very new to fostering a tortoise. This site is a little challenging to use but I'm trying my best. Here is an actual pic from my front yard (this is the 3rd time I'm posting this, as it doesn't look like it posted the other 2 times).
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Yvonne G

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jmbs said:
Here is a better picture. It might not be the same weed that I thought it was. He loves to eat it though. He will walk all around the yard turning his nose up at everything except this. :)

This is a picture of a tortoise eating spurge. Spurge is high in oxalates and we don't encourage people to feed it too often, however, spurge is a regular item in a wild desert tortoise's diet. So if he wants to eat it, let him.

LOL! It's ok, Jeannie, I think redbeef thought you were duplicating a picture from a web site rather than showing us your own picture. Don't have a thin skin. We do tend to sound a little harsh on occasion, but we really don't mean to be that way. It just comes across that way in the written word.

Please read the "Important Threads" at the top of the sulcata section. I know, I have a desert tortoise baby. But baby desert tortoises and baby sulcatas can be raised the very same way. And your baby does look a little dry to me.


New Member
Mar 16, 2014
Thanks so much Yvonne! I appreciate the advice. I really love this little guy and want to make sure I'm taking care of him and meeting all his needs. I'll read up on the baby sulcatas :D


Mar 11, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
NCentral Wisconsin
Is it spurge or purselane? It's hard to tell the difference from photos sometimes (and you may have posted one of each). Spurge tends to be more woody, while purselane tends to be more succulent. Google them for pics so you can decide.

I'd defer to other members though on the safety for torts, because I have no idea.

Good luck!


New Member
Mar 16, 2014
Thanks so much "laramill"! I'll look into it. He seems pretty intuitive on what to eat but I still want to make sure.


5 Year Member
Jul 19, 2011
jmbs said:
Wellll.... again, I apologize! It sounds like I'm irritating some people in this forum. I am very new to this site and I'm very new to fostering a tortoise. This site is a little challenging to use but I'm trying my best. Here is an actual pic from my front yard (this is the 3rd time I'm posting this, as it doesn't look like it posted the other 2 times).

not a problem, jbms, I just saw a picture in the first post that was obviously not of your weed and wondered how posting it could possibly help you in your situation. The second photo looks more like a spurge than purselane: i believe that's a 'feed in moderation', although I seem to recall some desert tort keepers on here saying that their tortoises love it and mow it down...but it looks like Yvonne has already told you as much.

welcome to the forum and be sure to check out the sticky that Yvonne has posted at the top of this 'plant identification' section: there's a lot of very useful pictures and info in there for people trying to figure out what's growing in their backyards. ;)