A new Russian tortoise keeper


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2024
Location (City and/or State)
Hi and welcome.
Edward is lucky to have found someone who wants to give him his best life.

If you follow the advice in the Information for New People thread (FAQs) which includes a caresheet for Mediterranean/temperate species then he should thrive and hopefully no vet will be ever be needed, and ask as many questions as you like.
Russians are great escape artists and can climb or burrow their way out of most enclosures that aren't secure so when you replace the one he has, bear in mind the need for extra depth (to allow for nice deep substrate and high walls), capped corners and edges to make it as hard for him as possible.
Good luck, I hope you'll keep us up to date with Edwards progress.
I am currently building him a outdoor enclosure out of some raised garden beds. I am going to raise the enclosure off the ground with a few packing pallets and add some netting in between the substrate and the pallets to make an escape proof enclosure. The outdoor enclousure is going to be temporary (I am spending the summer at my parents and don't want to turn over their whole garden for a few months stay). I am also going to make a lid out of chicken wire to keep birds out and Edward in.

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