1 month old baby Leo with swollen eyes


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Feb 11, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Medford Oregon
So I just wanted to post an update on my baby leo. We took her to the vet and he gave her 3 vitamin injections and neomycin ointment for her eyes. Her poop was normal. He told me that the spring mix that Tom had suggested to feed her was a bad idea? , However she seems to eat it very well.
I also tried Yvonne's "tinfoil top" idea and it is helping her the most! I am able to keep her humidity up to 80% so much better! Today she woke up on her own and has eaten on her own twice without being soaked first! Thank you so much for all your suggestions! I think Penny is going to pull through!

that's good to hear the lil one is doing better but i'm not so sure about the spring mix thing i feed spring mix and i know several other's on here that do the breed i got my lil red foot feed em and the rest of the hatchling's spring mix


New Member
5 Year Member
Sep 3, 2013
Yup! That used to happen to my tortoise Sheldon. It's due to the substrate being too dry. Make sure it's not too dusty or else he will get a respiratory infection. That's why my vet recommended me reptile carpet with moss in his hide to help with humidity. It also helps cause you don't have to worry about impaction PLUS it's easy to clean.