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  1. Pottergalval

    Russian + Boric Acid?

    Joey takes Manhattan!!!! Yesterday, I moved from rural PA to NYC, and this is quite the transition for both myself and my Russian, Joey. He seems to be adjusting well, and enjoys walking around the apartment and exploring. That said, I have to put boric acid around the edges of rooms to...
  2. Pottergalval

    Outdoor exploring and nom-ing

    Unfortunately, I don't live in a place with a yard, so if I want to give Joey sunlight, like the vet advises, I have to let him roam free (at friends' and family's houses or at the local national park). I'm looking into potentially making him a harness. In the meantime, I keep close to him and...
  3. Pottergalval

    Outdoor exploring and nom-ing

    Though Joey is an indoor tortoise, I take him outside regularly so he can get some exercise and sunlight. He loves exploring, and I always make sure he only explores places that have not been sprayed with chemicals. Sometimes, he'll find a plant he wants to eat, like dandelions, which are...
  4. Pottergalval

    Travel and Heat Packs

    Will he be able to breathe with the lid on?
  5. Pottergalval

    Travel and Heat Packs

    Hello, In about a week, I'm bringing my tort home for spring break for the first time. The trip is about 8 hours, and I want to keep him nice and warm. I'm thinking about getting heat packs, but Joey likes to bite unfamiliar objects. Therefore, I'm considering taping the packs (Uniheat Heat...
  6. Pottergalval

    Tumblr link for Joey's adventures!

    Hi everyone! Joey has started his own blog to document his crazy antics! He'd love for you to check it out :) Love, Joey and Mama
  7. Pottergalval


    Joey and I are going to be travelling in a car for about 8 hours in a week and a half. I'm going to keep him in his Rubbermaid tub in the back seat, but I don't know how to keep him warm. I've seen recommendations for hand warmers, but Joey likes to bite unfamiliar objects (and some familiar...
  8. Pottergalval

    Check out Joey's blog!

    Check out Joey's blog!
  9. Pottergalval

    To Vet or Not to Vet?

    My tortoise is a few years old, not a baby. Does this change things?
  10. Pottergalval

    To Vet or Not to Vet?

    I got my RT from Petco about a week ago. He's doing really well and acclimating to his new home. Joey is active, eats fairly well, has clear eyes, and is all in all showing the signs of a healthy tortoise. The nearest reptile vet is 40 mins away and I'm worried about taking him on a car ride so...
  11. Pottergalval

    Pooping in the Tub

    I got Joey 2 days ago and he is getting very well acclimated. He even ate from my hand a few times! But one thing he HATES is getting soaked. He always runs around his tub looking for a way to escape, which becomes very problematic when he poops. I feel as if he isn't getting any cleaner from...
  12. Pottergalval

    Cleaning My New Tort?

    I have no other animals, so this isn't a problem! :) He got really stressed yesterday when I soaked him for the first time. I'm worried that he's never been soaked before. Hopefully he gets used to it. Thanks for the help!
  13. Pottergalval

    Basking lamp recs?

    Hi all, I have a ceramic heat lamp for my RT, but it only keeps the hot side at about 80 degrees F. I need a basking lamp to provide him with an area closer to 95 degrees, any recommendations for brand? I want something affordable but reliable and it needs to have a good clamp. My tort lives in...
  14. Pottergalval

    Cleaning My New Tort?

    Thank you for the info and links. I was planning to do warm water soaks, but wasn't sure if there was a way to get rid of any bacteria my tort may have picked up from the pet store.
  15. Pottergalval

    Cleaning My New Tort?

    Hello! I bought my first Russian Tortoise today from Petco, the environment of which I wasn't too pleased with. I don't know the history of my new tort (the employees were rather clueless) and the other one in his enclosure seemed pretty sickly. Should I clean him? And if so, how? Thanks! Val
  16. Pottergalval

    Hello from Val and new RT Joey Stallin'

    Hello everyone! I've wanted a tortoise for about 10 years now, and today, I finally got one! I'm on here because I want to make sure that I'm giving him the best care I possibly can. Here's a little bit about him. Please let me know if I seem to be doing something wrong: (or scroll to the...