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  • Hi Tom! I was reading your Russian Tortoise Care Sheet, but the pictures are all gone :( Do you by chance still have the pictures that go with the post? I'd love to have them for reference!
    Hi Tom - I was told you start your babies correctly. Do you have any leopard (pardalis pardalis) available? If so, what size and how much do you sell them for? Many thanks.
    No matter how well you care for the new baby, you can't un-do the damage done by a breeder who starts them poorly.
    Well, I still have some research and building to do to prepare for a new friend. Is there a way to speak with you offline? Email? Phone? Do you ship babies?
    Yes. I'll message you now. :)
    Hi Tom. Would it be possible to see the plans you used for building your closed chamber housing?
    Hey Tom, what model of animal plastics do u recommend
    Go big. You can get a 2x4, but you'll be replacing it in a few months. Mine are 8 feet long by 30 inches wide. this will last long enough to grow your tortoise large enough to live outside full time. Or in the case of someone living in a colder climate, this will also until its time to convert a whole room.
    This is another reason why Mark's cages are preferable. You can start smaller now and save some money, but then easily and cheaply add on later when the time comes..
    Hi Tom, I apologize im new to this page. I recently purchased a Sulcata hatchling from TT and they never shipped it And overnight shipping was expensive. I’ve since read horrible things and cancelled my order. Do you still have any Sulcata babies for sale and how do I contact you if so like I said this site is new to me ?
    Hi. I do have a few left for sale that aren't spoken for yet. You can message me here.

    Have you seen this thread yet:
    Hi Tom, do you sell juvenile Pardalis Pardalis Leopard Tortoises? We have a 6 yr old male(we think he's @ 6) that we'd like to find a mate for. I wouldn't mind a baby but would worry about the size difference putting them together? Thanks, Angie
    Ahhh, good to know! Thanks -- we just found out our "Sulcata" is actually a "Leopard" & now I'm learning that there are more than one type of Leopard! I'm actually wondering if mine isn't a cross breed because he has traits of both (I think?) - how do I post a pic so you can see him? thanks, Angie
    Start a thread. Since you aren't sure of the species, go ahead and make your thread in the "General Tortoise Discussion" forum. Its easy to post pics there.
    ok, thanks
    Hi Tom, do you have any Sulcatas available?

    I'm interested in prices, all sizes, and shipping to the east coast.

    Yes. Got a batch that started hatching a few days ago. I sell them for $60. Well hydrated, well started, and eating everything under the sun, which will make YOUR life a heck of a lot easier. Overnight shipping is usually around $55-60 to go across the country.

    Today they got mallow, grass and filaree. Yesterday was broadleaf plantain. Sowthistle tomorrow. Wild mustard the next day. Etc...
    I built one of your night boxes and my sulcata ALWAYS poops and pees on the heat pad. is that normal? I can not tell you the last time she has gone in the yard. Is there anything that I can do to get her to go outside of her box? Silly question but she makes a BIG mess and it is hard to clean up all the time and I am worried she will make this night box not last as long as it should.
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    This time of year they tend to spend a lot of time in the night box. Two things tend to make them poop. Lots of exercise, and heat. In warmer weather they will be out walking around a lot more and poop outside the box more. But its also natural for sulcatas to poop in their "burrows" which is kind of what we are simulating with their night boxes. I just scrape it up and toss it.
    Ok. Thank you!
    Hi tom, do you have a baby leopard tortoise ?
    I have South African Leopards incubating now. Should be hatching in a couple of weeks.
    I want to know its price, thanks
    $300 each, or as low as $200 in a 10 lot or more.

    My babies are soaked daily and kept mostly indoor in a warm humid enclosure. They are introduced to a new food every single day for the first two weeks at least. Mostly weeds, grasses, flowers and succulents. I start them for about a month before sale.
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    I didn't realize you had p.p.'s! That's what my little ghido is! I'm so happy I went with him ? so far he's so awesome!
    I contacted you about getting a baby sulcata and you suggested I reach back out to you in March.....Do you have any for sale? If so, I definitely want to get one and need to know the next step.

    Thanks so much!!
    They are still incubating. Should hatch in the next couple of weeks.
    Should I check back with you mid-April? Or do you prefer to contact me?

    Thanks, again!
    Best if you contact me in a couple of weeks. I've got a lot going on.
    Do you have any Sulcata ...young for sale...I don't have your phone number... mine
    Hi Maggie. They lay eggs this time of year, usually starting in January. I won't have any babies for about 4 months.
    Hi,Tom,I read many post about diapause of Burmese tortoise eggs,but still confused....Can u teach how to setup for these eggs(Just have 9 eggs...)
    @Tom I have a sulcata 4 years old and I need to make a winter home. Any recommendations? Tight now he is longing in this and has to be covered since we have hawks but I would like to attach something that he can go in for winter
    New to this don’t know how to post picture
    Make a thread on the forum. You can post pics there, and explain where you live and what size tortoise we are talking about.
    Hi Tom,
    I'd like to see your night boxes. You put a link that shows tinypics to access your pictures but they shut down on September 2019. Did you save them?
    i'd appreciate if you can post them again as well as the outside enclosure you did.
    Thank you
    I'm building my box tomorrow with your plans. I've looked all around and the 1.5" foam board isn't available in my area. Do you think that the .5" would suffice?
    They sell it at every Home Depot and Lowes. .5 inch won't work. The 2x4 framing is 1.5 inches thick, so the 1.5 inch rigid foam fills that gap perfectly. You could buy triple the sheets of .5 and make it three layers as you go. I'd order it if your local stores are out of it.
    Hi Tom. Just wanted to give you a heads up tinypic announces they were no more hosting which I've noticed messes up a lot of post. Your heat box threads super helpful all need updated photos, idk maybe a moderator can upload it or something.. not sure I'd another good photo just too as I use tiny pic myself. Such a pain In the butt

    Hi Tom. Last weekend, I saw the pictures of the outside enclosure you built with the bricks and wood. Is there any chance you can post the pictures again. They have disappeared and I would love to build this :)
    Hey Tom! Just wondering where you think I should purchase a baby Russian tortoise from.
    Many good sellers here. I have personally bought from @Carol S and from @kanalomele and highly recommend both.
    And I will get a PVC enclosure like you've mentioned bc it's the best for humidity and ambient temp, which you've said and also that maintaining them are v important factors to minimize pyramiding. Do your leopards have minimal pyramiding from living in such conditions? So many leopards I've seen on the web all have bad/lots of pyramiding, and I wanna do everything I can do minimize pyramiding on my leopard. Thanks
    Yes, the closed chambers minimize pyramiding.

    Soil is not a good substrate choice. You can't know what composted material it is made of and it could be something toxic. It also turns to mud when wet and gets very messy.
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