OUCH! Willow Bit me.. Twice :(


5 Year Member
Sep 21, 2013
I am having a major surgery and won't be able to be upstairs in my regular room for about 12 weeks while healing. Since I bring Willow in at night my family figured we'd move willow and her belongings to the downstairs room where I will be staying to heal. Well when I went to pick WIllow up she shot her head out and bit me hard! twice! MY brother says she is just upset about the change in her suroundings and Bit out of frustration. WIllow has never even attempted to bite before. It did surprise me and even hurt ( both physically and my feelings since she has always been loving). I put her in her enclosure in the new room tonight, fed her and she is eating greedily like she always does. She is even moving around her enclosure but "stomping" and showing some signs of being ornery right now. The two bites took some skin off and developed a blood blister around them. I hope she settles down after abit.. Or did she just pick up on MY anziety and decide to chomp me? People say torts don't Hiss but it sure sounded Like she was Hissing to me before she bit. Anything I can do to ease her the next time we have to move her and her sourroundings?


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Aug 27, 2012
Turtles hiss when they expel air through their nares, usually when they withdraw their heads suddenly. It's a sign of fright.


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Jul 21, 2014
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Tampa, FL
little sulcata bites my toes sometimes and it hurts. I think he thinks its food.. Lol. Your tortoise is probably stressed. Try not to hold him for a couple days. What kind of tortoise do you have?


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5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2013
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Winnipeg, MB
Your brother is partly right. Drastic changes can bring out fear anxiety in animals. She would have bitten anyone who picked her up. Fear anxiety can manifest itself in different forms, including aggression. Aggression maybe be more common a reaction in slow moving animals, since they can't easily escape their fear trigger. For example, birds can fly away and most dogs will run aways (if not cornered), when frightened.

Don't take it personal. Just be patient and make sure to teach her to associate you and others with good things, like a treat, in her new surroundings. Each time anyone approaches her, speak to her softly and give her a treat.

Good luck and I hope all goes well with your surgery.

May, Aussies, & THBs


5 Year Member
Sep 21, 2013
Today went better with willow as I had her outside most of the day, Then when she came in I gave her special treats and a gentle head rub. She closed her eyes but no hiss or bite. When I went to leave and stopped petting, She stuck her neck out and tried to stand up on her rear legs. like she was saying " is this all I get?" Goofy little critter LOL. my brother Bought her a bag of spring mix at the store ( not something she gets very often but one of her absolute favorites), along with some dandelion flowers and clover flowers. I guess she must have thought she was in heaven. When mom let her out to roam the new room she headed right for the computer cords ( luckily not plugged in) and CHOMP. The treats and extra attention seemed to make her feel better.


5 Year Member
Sep 21, 2013
little sulcata bites my toes sometimes and it hurts. I think he thinks its food.. Lol. Your tortoise is probably stressed. Try not to hold him for a couple days. What kind of tortoise do you have?
I have a now 11 month old Sulcata tort. Tonight she was investigating what things in the new room she could bite. I think Sulcatas are sort of like puppies.. curious about everything.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 12, 2013
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Winnipeg, MB
Today went better with willow as I had her outside most of the day, Then when she came in I gave her special treats and a gentle head rub. She closed her eyes but no hiss or bite. When I went to leave and stopped petting, She stuck her neck out and tried to stand up on her rear legs. like she was saying " is this all I get?" Goofy little critter LOL. my brother Bought her a bag of spring mix at the store ( not something she gets very often but one of her absolute favorites), along with some dandelion flowers and clover flowers. I guess she must have thought she was in heaven. When mom let her out to roam the new room she headed right for the computer cords ( luckily not plugged in) and CHOMP. The treats and extra attention seemed to make her feel better.

Glad she's feeling better and more settled. You're doing a good job helping her adjust. Good thing the computer cord wasn't plugged in! Maybe make sure you have all cords tucked up out of her reach.

May, Aussies, & THBs


Active Member
Jul 21, 2014
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Tampa, FL
I have a now 11 month old Sulcata tort. Tonight she was investigating what things in the new room she could bite. I think Sulcatas are sort of like puppies.. curious about everything.
Yes. Exactly. My tortoise is attracted to anything white. He'll eat the rocks and shells outside. He'll bite the house, he'll bite your white nail polish.
They're so silly I just love them :D


Active Member
May 22, 2014
Yes. Exactly. My tortoise is attracted to anything white. He'll eat the rocks and shells outside. He'll bite the house, he'll bite your white nail polish.
They're so silly I just love them :D
My 2 yr old will EAT ANYTHING as long as he can fit it in his mouth. Sometimes not even that.


The Dog Trainer
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Jan 9, 2010
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Just keep your fingers out from in front of your tortoises mouth. I'm surprised your were bitten once, but a second time? That's on you.


The Dog Trainer
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Grossest thing ever: I found my sulcata eating DOG POOP outside.

That is not unusual. Mammal feces is one of the "natural" foods of wild tortoises. Just make sure your dog is not on any ivermectin based medications like heartworm preventatives.

This is just one reason why I like tortoise to have their own areas where dogs or other animals don't go.


Active Member
Jul 21, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
Tampa, FL
Oh gosh that's disgusting. Ive caught my tortoise eating a cigarette :rolleyes: He likes to roam the neighbors yard, because its all weeds and roots.. Our yard is so nicely trimmed and green, he never wants to be in our yard.
That is not unusual. Mammal feces is one of the "natural" foods of wild tortoises. Just make sure your dog is not on any ivermectin based medications like heartworm preventatives.

This is just one reason why I like tortoise to have their own areas where dogs or other animals don't go.

Yellow Turtle01

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5 Year Member
Jun 12, 2013
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Oh gosh that's disgusting. Ive caught my tortoise eating a cigarette :rolleyes: He likes to roam the neighbors yard, because its all weeds and roots.. Our yard is so nicely trimmed and green, he never wants to be in our yard.
Do you have a fence? Weeds are good for your tort. Maybe he'd like a garden to browse.

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