Cathie G

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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We don't have THAT much space Ms Cathie or you'd be welcome!

Speaking of Ray singing....we haven't seen Ray since he got discharged.....where you at bro? Lyn has been busy too? Hope all is well.

After so many years of hiding, I will actually post a real pic of Kerry and I.......she will be the pretty one in the wedding photo. Here lies the issue with that; Kerry is very photogenic, the camera just likes her. Conversely, the plumbers bum may just be his good side. Don't laugh too fast, when I life-styled I used to get compliments on my bum, never got too many for being handsome though, come to think of it! LMAO

Kerry is coming over tonight. Tomorrow, Kerry is going shopping while I'm apparently buying a car tomorrow with my son and Dad's (presence was requested) and we're all going to a Christmas party at daughters and might get a chance to look at wedding rings too.

all good stuff.
I can't wait photos please. Of the wedding. I'm so happy for the both of you. 😊

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
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North of Annapolis
Yes, I worry when folks don't chime in time to time......weird but you place a certain value on the words/experiences that folks write and I miss that, and their personalities.

Thanks Mags, I really appreciate that and yes, there will be pics!
(the others don't know that you were sworn to secrecy long ago and are the only one here to have seen a real pic of me, so shhhh)

We bagged the idea of ring shopping....the Christmas season shoppers will have worn away the selection and we don't need to be prey animals out there shopping anyway, we'll wait.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
I didn't get my turkey fix this year cuz I opted out of cooking one simply due to the mess and trouble for one person. So last time I was at the store I bought a frozen turkey breast and yesterday I cooked it in the slow cooker. MISTAKE!! The recipe called for cutting up carrots, celery and onons and placing those in the bottom of the cooker, then the turkey on top, which keeps it above the juices. Far as the cooking is concerned, the turkey was done to a turn!Quite excellent! However, onions is not a flavor I'm used to associating with turkey. The slight oniony flavor was quite the turn off for me. I wonder if the cats will like it.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I didn't get my turkey fix this year cuz I opted out of cooking one simply due to the mess and trouble for one person. So last time I was at the store I bought a frozen turkey breast and yesterday I cooked it in the slow cooker. MISTAKE!! The recipe called for cutting up carrots, celery and onons and placing those in the bottom of the cooker, then the turkey on top, which keeps it above the juices. Far as the cooking is concerned, the turkey was done to a turn!Quite excellent! However, onions is not a flavor I'm used to associating with turkey. The slight oniony flavor was quite the turn off for me. I wonder if the cats will like it.
I always put minced onion in the stuffing. I actually baked a turkey this year. Thank God I was able to pawn off the leftovers lto guests 😄 that's the trouble for two let alone one. And I did a 16lb turkey. I had no clue how I was going to lift it let alone bake it all day 😁 I can't believe I got her done. And am not eating leftovers still. Yuk


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Jun 30, 2018
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To all of my neighbors in Albany/Corvallis area, I don’t mean to be a Grinch; however, to those of you who are placing Christmas lights/decorations in your yards, would you please avoid anything that has Red or Blue flashing lights together!! Every time I come around the corner, I think it's the police. I have to brake hard, toss my margarita out the window, fasten my seat belt, throw my phone on the floor, turn my radio down, all while trying to drive. It's just too much drama, even for Christmas. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Merry Christmas to almost all...

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
I'm with Y, onions have no place inside a turkey but MINIMALLY in dressing they are ok.

I'm not going within 10' of Maggie's driving habits but thank you Lord, that I live waaaaay over here, on this coast!! (It may or may not be why her Sis lives in a different State too, just sayin)

Nice Christmas party at Daughters yesterday. She invited her husbands side too so it was quite a few of us. I went with son early to help him get his car. He tells me at the dealer, getting a car is a good reason, and wasn't going to go to his sisters for the party. I pulled the DAD voice out "you're dang right your going, no argument and no discussion GOAT, we are going after we wrap up here". We did, he drove his new car and I drove his rental.

Kerry left early today to go to the school to work in her classroom. What a sucky way to end the w/e.

I did "piles" of papers today. You know, the piles of important mail you didn't toss away but haven't opened in months, paid bills, mortgage statements, healthcare stuff, manuals, etc

I had spread the piles on the bed where I knew I would have to deal with it at 6am when Kerry woke up in the other room where we had slept last night. I woke early...bothered her a while then kissed her goodnight and let her sleep while I got started.... all taken care of now. I found a IRA with $4,001 in it too this morning! I remember now, from a job I did not stay long at, they converted the 401 to an IRA when I left. Kerry was having coffee and just looked at me and shook her head saying....."I sure am glad you are willing to let me do that stuff after we're married". LOL

I'm going to bring in one of the big recycle bins and start filling it with all the "shredding stuff" as I go through stuff. I seriously doubt that my Discover statements from 2001 is something that needs to move with me. I think I can call and have it shredded when they pick it up.

Cathie G

Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Aug 9, 2018
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I'm with Y, onions have no place inside a turkey but MINIMALLY in dressing they are ok.

I'm not going within 10' of Maggie's driving habits but thank you Lord, that I live waaaaay over here, on this coast!! (It may or may not be why her Sis lives in a different State too, just sayin)

Nice Christmas party at Daughters yesterday. She invited her husbands side too so it was quite a few of us. I went with son early to help him get his car. He tells me at the dealer, getting a car is a good reason, and wasn't going to go to his sisters for the party. I pulled the DAD voice out "you're dang right your going, no argument and no discussion GOAT, we are going after we wrap up here". We did, he drove his new car and I drove his rental.

Kerry left early today to go to the school to work in her classroom. What a sucky way to end the w/e.

I did "piles" of papers today. You know, the piles of important mail you didn't toss away but haven't opened in months, paid bills, mortgage statements, healthcare stuff, manuals, etc

I had spread the piles on the bed where I knew I would have to deal with it at 6am when Kerry woke up in the other room where we had slept last night. I woke early...bothered her a while then kissed her goodnight and let her sleep while I got started.... all taken care of now. I found a IRA with $4,001 in it too this morning! I remember now, from a job I did not stay long at, they converted the 401 to an IRA when I left. Kerry was having coffee and just looked at me and shook her head saying....."I sure am glad you are willing to let me do that stuff after we're married". LOL

I'm going to bring in one of the big recycle bins and start filling it with all the "shredding stuff" as I go through stuff. I seriously doubt that my Discover statements from 2001 is something that needs to move with me. I think I can call and have it shredded when they pick it up.
And I thought I was a procastronaut 😁🤣🤣


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
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Joe has been having a problem with his eyes on top of being totally deaf. It's a form of glaucoma and he already had macular degeneration. He's on 5 different drops a day several times a day each lately. If you think of him will you say a little prayer 🙏 I'm using graphing paper to make sure I get the drops right.
I will do that.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Good evening everyone!

How are you
all getting on with preparations for Xmas? Do you all leave decorations up from Thanksgiving Day?



Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Or the Xmas before 😉!

We have some from several years ago in Zola's conservatory - it seems a shame to take them away - and also a lovely hanging chandelier of a metallic plastic material, which changes colour as it moves - it is over the kitchen table, and seems to look as beautiful as ever, though it is 4 or 5 years old - I love to look at it - why take it down !


Well-Known Member
Tortoise Club
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Jan 24, 2019
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Balto. MD
Hello TFO, just wanted to share a picture of some Dandelions that I purchased from Whole Foods Market. I purchase Dandelions at least once a week in the winter time when greens are slim to none until Spring. They sell for $2.99 a bunch.


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jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
I finally ordered Kerry's Christmas presents today.....Christmas Pj's & the classic Deerfoam slippers. Simple, elegant and appreciated. Plan B if they don't show before Thur is to go shopping over the w/e with Kerry for the other things she will need to get.
I went with her one year and managed to buy and get a FULL SIZE serving platter into the car w/o her ever seeing it. The girl at the store was in on it and distracted her inside the store so I could race to the car! Living on the's all where you find the opportunities!


Enjoy the day guys


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jun 30, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
Good evening everyone!

How are you
all getting on with preparations for Xmas? Do you all leave decorations up from Thanksgiving Day?

My family and I put up the tree on Thanksgiving...antique ornaments...

and Dale Earnhardt!DSCN2181.JPG
Merry Christmas from Dale Turlehardt and me....oh, and Mary