Life with Yoshi... ;)


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5 Year Member
May 26, 2014
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The Netherlands
Hi everybody,

It's been a long time since I posted something, I am much more a reader then a poster.
However, I thought it would be nice to give an update, since I learned a lot here, and enjoy reading all those stories and seeing the pictures of your beloved friends.


I got Yoshi back in 2014, I got her from an add posted on an online marketplace where you can sell and buy just about anything you need. When I first got her she was in a glass tank on sand with sparce decoration and lot's of improvement was in order. She wasn't on the proper diet and had no hide and wasn't able to dig or burrow.
As a sidenote, the people where (they thought she was a he) came from, were very nice and taken care of her as best as they could and knew. Although her care wasn't the appropriate care she needed, regardless she was not neglected and in excellent health, and I decided to adopt her. I am her third caregiver, the sellers got her from an add as well. Let's just say I got her as a Life companion, enough said right?

At first she moved to a large bunny cage where she got appropriate bedding, and during that time I read and read and learned so much more then I thought I would. I really tried to educate myself and provide as best as I could for her. The sand made way for coco coir, and she got a nice hide.

Here she is with a little calcium mouth ;)


The story went on:

As time progessed I knew she would eventually outgrow the cage and I decided to be a little proactive and started looking for new housing options. Many things apealed to me. I wanted her to get outside as well but in my apartment there is no option to go outside so I needed a large enclosure to compensate as well as I could think of.

I searched many websites and looked at several housing options.
Then I saw an add for a used concreteplex terrarium which was used for snakes.
And boy o boy it was a mess... it stank up the place for real and it was nausiating to clean.
It needed a good cleaning, so I did , with every possible thing I could safely use to sanitize it.
On the plus side... it was very large and offered a lot of possibilities and it was a bargain as well so I tried to see the prospect of having a nice home for her to live in.



Who has a friend, has help in need:

Luckily my hero of the day was there. My friend who is like bob the builder x2.0 .
He saw the potential and offered to refurbish the thing. He used mainly materials he had lying around.
We decided to raise the panel on the front from horizontal to vertical to create more space.


All of the wiring was redone, new window sliders were put in, and on the top and back new ventilation rosters were put in place. The whole terrarium was finished with aluminium strips and solidified on all sides.



It started to more and more look less like a mess and more like a tortoise home.
It took a few days and lot's of hard work from my friend but it paid off and I was so happy to see it progessing.
And my cat seemed to approve as well.


Her resting area was cleaned and ready, easy acces with the lid.

Decoration for your tortoise, it's wonderful.

Finally I could go all Martha Steward on that tank and do my thing.
After purchasing bedding I went to make it look like a home, both practical and Natural looking as best I could.
I put in her slate stone, which she came with, because it reminds me where she came from and it's something I wanted to put back that she new. I put in more stones and some nice cork bark to climb, and for wearing of the nails. A nice log to climb and lot's of coir to dig in. Also a new food bowl and her water dish couldn't be missing...


Finally the tank was done and I could go and clean the huge mess that was left in my house and on my floor... the wood dust was lying on all my furniture and I was sneezing a lot....

But so worth it !


After 2 years I am still very happy with Yoshi and her home, it most definitely was worth the money, research and time!

I look at it everday with great love and affection for my Yoshi, and grateful that I got the help I needed.


So how IS life with Yoshi these days?

Honestly, she is part of my litte family, and part of my Life.
Every day sitting in front of the glass plane waiting for her food.
We have our own little routine, doing things, taking care of her.

She estivates part of the summer when the temperatures go way up.
And when she's back she eats well, hydrates with her weekly soaks, and gets her vitamins and UVB as needed.

She grew a bit, and weighs more, and I love seeing her live her Life and doing the things she loves best...
She loves to dig... burrow down in the coir, or with her butt in the air, in the corner sleeping.
Her little territorial tendencies.... when she is done with my interference or the cat's... the well known head bob and pacing around in her tank keeping an eye on things.

To close this little story, I can only say this.
Please take the time, to think about what you are doing.
Do research, ask questions, don't be shy, nor naive.. both with not help you as I found out.
Buy books or borrow them, browse online with a cup of tea.
Read those recommended websites until you can recommend them to another.
Because in the end, you have a lifelong companion, who is more than worth it.

Here are some of my favorite pictures of my Yoshi.
Enjoy Life!


old photo on sand before the coir but nevertheless one of my faves.




So proud and majestic.


With dried oak leaves for decoration, removed them after learning they contain lots of tannic acid. still loved the look of Nature.



And last but not least, with me.

Hope you enjoyed!


Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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That is one of the prettiest Russian tortoise I've ever seen. And I thoroughly enjoyed your thread.


Jun 17, 2015
That is an awesome habitat for your Yoshi! Most enclosures are plain wood, practical yet eyesores. This is not only a good home for Yoshi but also a nice piece of furniture. Kudos to your friend he is a craftsman.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 14, 2015
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Central Texas, Austin area
Great read, awesome visuals! Thank you for posting! Yoshi is a cutie! I love how you incorporated her habitat into your room where it just belongs there. Very nice!


Active Member
5 Year Member
May 26, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
The Netherlands
That is an awesome habitat for your Yoshi! Most enclosures are plain wood, practical yet eyesores. This is not only a good home for Yoshi but also a nice piece of furniture. Kudos to your friend he is a craftsman.

Thank you very much, and that was the objective both practical and esthetic. I'll be sure to tell him that:)


Active Member
5 Year Member
May 26, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
The Netherlands
Great read, awesome visuals! Thank you for posting! Yoshi is a cutie! I love how you incorporated her habitat into your room where it just belongs there. Very nice!

Thank you, it was very important for me to let it fit in with the rest of the room. I'm glad you got that :)


Active Member
5 Year Member
May 26, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
The Netherlands
I love your cat! I've been looking for a long haired kitten of that color and markings for a long time

Sunny is part of my everything. Couldn't do without him. Orange tabby I think it's called. I recently saw a main coon of exactly your description.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Jul 14, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Central Texas, Austin area
Sunny is part of my everything. Couldn't do without him. Orange tabby I think it's called. I recently saw a main coon of exactly your description.
Oh, I'd kill (not really:)) for orange maine coon!!! Have one that's all white, love him to piecesImageUploadedByTortoise Forum1473263065.105480.jpg here is my "mr fluffy pants" with my elderly tortoiseshell girl

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