what are we really doin here

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5 Year Member
Nov 19, 2010
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I don't think it was that cruel, I'm sure the guy doesn't just put a camera on the turtle everyday. I just think the camera should have been a bit lighter so he could swim easier.


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Oct 29, 2010
I think the pet trade as a whole is cruel,who made us god?what gives us the right too take a living creatures freedom?yet protest when the same is done too us.


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Tom said:
For Laura and Isa, I don't equate a snake eating with sticking a camera on a RES for entertainment. Snakes gotta eat, even though you don't wanna see it. RES don't NEED to run around with cameras on their backs.

I'm just sayin'... two different things.

Tom, I know they have to eat and I understand that. But why posting so many pictures...
I know they are 2 different things but showing plenty of pics of an animal being eaten can not be well digested for certain people (it was not even specified in the title) like the video, some people liked it (I did not) and some people did not. I do not want to start a debate or any arguments it was just my opinion :)


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Oct 29, 2010
Marty333 said:
I agree with Tom. You are buying a tortoise from the pet trade where many of the torts are WC. If you hate them being out of their natural habitat so much then why do you keep them?


at least the mice are dead you all feed torts live plants.once i fed mine brocoli the screaming was horrible


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Isa said:
Tom said:
For Laura and Isa, I don't equate a snake eating with sticking a camera on a RES for entertainment. Snakes gotta eat, even though you don't wanna see it. RES don't NEED to run around with cameras on their backs.

I'm just sayin'... two different things.

Tom, I know they have to eat and I understand that. But why posting so many pictures...
I know they are 2 different things but showing plenty of pics of an animal being eaten can not be well digested for certain people (it was not even specified in the title) like the video, some people liked it (I did not) and some people did not. I do not want to start a debate or any arguments it was just my opinion :)

Okay. Fair enough.

squamata said:
I think the pet trade as a whole is cruel,who made us god?what gives us the right too take a living creatures freedom?yet protest when the same is done too us.

Are you kidding? Look at that list in your signature. You keep tons of captive animals, but you are preaching against captive animals at the same time.

... I hate dog training and it should never happen, now please excuse me while I go modify the behavior of all my dogs...

Further, equating human imprisonment and a captive tortoise in a furnished, planted backyard is a REALLY big jump. Way too big of a jump for me to NOT call you on it. I'm not playing god, I'm just havin' fun with some pets, man.


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I was trying to make a point.. I think I did..
I have nothing against snakes or keepers of.. I understand what they they eat and why..
I love cheetahs and they kill small cute antelope and eat raw meat ( horse meat) in captivity,, and even tho nature is facinating and I love to watch it,, some things I dont want to see.. and I think a warning in the topic of a post if it includes such is a great idea.
And Im not a vegatarian.. but I dont want to know Who Im eating..


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Nov 17, 2010
I just read this topic's posts, and now realize that it is 10 minutes of my life I will never get back.


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squamata said:
at the end of the day,a person who really cared for these animals would not have the erge too make them perform tricks or stunts.this video and all like it represent the popular human misconception that we are so much bigger than nature.i do not agree with the pet trade,if it did not exsist and i was givin the chance too take something from its home and cage it for my enjoyment i would not.all my life ive hunted reptiles and studied them in their enviroment when i was a child i brought them home,that was a long time ago.i havnt taken anything from nature in twenty years.the animals i keep come strickly from the pet trade,i do not keep them for my pleasure,as much as i keep them too provide a decent life for them irespect them and they facinate me.i do not name them,i do not paint them,i do not dress them up,and i dont make videos of them doing silly stuff.i am happy that i am able too posses them,but it is unfortunate that i am.

If you do not agree with the pet trade then why do you have so many animals if no one bought any there would not be a pet trade supply an demand your contributing to it to. you should not have ANY As far as showing a picture of your snake eating you didn't think about offending people should we have gotten mod to step in ? Is putting a SANTA hat and scruff on my cat for a picture animal abuse then call the cop's


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Oct 29, 2010
I cannot single handedly shut down the pet trade,but i can make sure a few animals live good lives,becuase i assure you a large number do not.i also practice catch and release,my son and i photograph are catches.



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squamata said:
I cannot single handedly shut down the pet trade,but i can make sure a few animals live good lives,becuase i assure you a large number do not.i also practice catch and release,my son and i photograph are catches.


your right you can not single handedly shut down the pet trade but you do not contribute to it ether if your so against it. your just justifying it by saying you want to give a few a good home I'm not saying there not in a good home because I think they are but I also think you like keeping exotics just like so many other people do:)


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....and how stressful for the animal do you think the "catch" is, in catch-and release? The photography part is great, but why not try to do it while remaining "invisible" to your subject matter. No offense meant, but your arguments, thus far, are boardering on "bi-polar". When you finally get so disgusted with your significant contribution to the pet trade (14 little captives, by my count), let me know and I will personally help you rehome them.


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Oct 29, 2010
exoticsdr said:
....and how stressful for the animal do you think the "catch" is, in catch-and release? The photography part is great, but why not try to do it while remaining "invisible" to your subject matter. No offense meant, but your arguments, thus far, are boardering on "bi-polar". When you finally get so disgusted with your significant contribution to the pet trade (14 little captives, by my count), let me know and I will personally help you rehome them.
if there were no pets where would you be doc,think maybe you might be a little biased here?just a little?


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squamata said:
exoticsdr said:
....and how stressful for the animal do you think the "catch" is, in catch-and release? The photography part is great, but why not try to do it while remaining "invisible" to your subject matter. No offense meant, but your arguments, thus far, are boardering on "bi-polar". When you finally get so disgusted with your significant contribution to the pet trade (14 little captives, by my count), let me know and I will personally help you rehome them.
if there were no pets where would you be doc,think maybe you might be a little biased here?just a little?

Biased? In what way? This is my chosen profession, not the only profession that I have worked at and not the only way that I can make a living.

Medicine/Surgery is just a fraction of what I do on a daily basis. Most of my day is taken up with answering questions....TEACHING. More often that not, I am trying to talk people out of owning certain animals as pets or certain breeds of dog or cat that they just have to have because a certain celebrity has decided to own one or they saw one on the news.

One thing is for certain, my clients bring their animals to me because they want to provide the best care for their PETS. They enjoy them, they interact with them, they name them, they make them a part of their family.

My confustion with you is directly related to your obvious dislike for the pet trade and pet ownership, comparing the keeping of pets to human prison, YET you choose to keep little prisoners of your own. Back to my professional bias, none of your money has passed to my hands for the veterinary advice I've given you, nor has it to any other member of this forum or other forum.


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Oct 29, 2010
It's very simple if the trade did not exsist I would not go out and start it.do i contribute too it,yes.do i like or agree with all i see of it no.this thred started over a turtle with a camera strapped on iys back that people on the forum thought was cool,I disagree i feel it promotes people doing rediculous things too animals,such as owning one because a celebrity does.anyone remember when caimans were the big rage,people were buying them for children.i personally witnessed a breeder have too refuse selling a piosonous snake too a guy who was gonna buy it for his kid,there is enough bad and stupid out there in pet land without promoting it,or making doing silly things too animals popular.


5 Year Member
Nov 19, 2010
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I think your over reacting. The guy put a camera on his turtle once for 2 minutes. And the description says this:

I would like to make some things clear.
1. The water is completely free of chlorine. The water recive a special treatment, what is absolutely safe for the turtle.
2. The camera is neutral buoyancy. When they jump to the pool they always go to the bottom because it's the most safety place for them.
3. This kind of turtles can keep their breath for minutes.
4. She (turtle) is 2o years old. Not bad I think.
5. She has her own pond with plants and other turtles.

I'm sure she'll live, it didn't harm her in any way so what's the problem? If anything the camera looked a little too big.


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Oct 29, 2010
what was the point of doing that at all?what was gained from it?other than a pretty large debate


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Nov 19, 2010
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What's the point of doing anything with pets? Either for there well being or for fun. There was nothing to gain nothing to lose, so why not?


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hyp·o·crite [ híppə krìt ] (plural hyp·o·crites)



somebody feigning high principles: somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise


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Oct 29, 2010
well if the stance of the forum is that reptiles are toys,and its okay too play with them then i give up.
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