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Active Member
Jan 19, 2015
Location (City and/or State)
Central Michigan
This is exactly how I ended up with Russians as well as Leopards. My husband regrets giving in on the 1st 2. I now have 4 and keep trying to talk him into 2 or 3 more.

They're kinda like potato chips.......hard to have just one. I jumped right into getting three of them (I had wanted one for years). My friend knew I wanted one and he was living in an apartment building across from a guy who had three of them that were kept in a 29 gallon tank the whole 6 or so years he had them. I paid to have them shipped to Michigan from Arizona and feel that I've done pretty good a making them happy with large separate enclosures and a 6'x30' outdoor enclosure. I had reservations about taking on three of them, especially not knowing anything about their health other than the limited info the owner offered up, which was not much info at all and he seemed hesitant to go into specifics about them. There were a lot of inconsistencies in his story over the two weeks when we started communicating until I had them shipped in, then once I got them he said they were my problem and didn't return any emails after that. Nice guy huh?


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5 Year Member
Apr 24, 2012
I bought my tortoise 2 years ago from petsmart and she's been healthy. I may have just gotten lucky. They said she was in there for 2 weeks before I bought her. I saw her in that tiny little glass enclosure and I couldn't help but save her.


May 1, 2015
He was gone when I went back but I think I've found some local...I'll post if it works out.

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