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Redfoot NERD

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Dec 5, 2007
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cdmay said:
Redfoot NERD said:
Make note.. cdmay is referring mainly to "Southern" redfoots.. aka Cherryheads.

Actually Terry, the cherryheads are from Eastern Brazil and are not a 'southern' type. Although the Paraguayans are. But I was referring to redfoots in general.

Also keep in mind that I'm the best part of 750 miles North of cdmay.. and mine ARE primarily Northerns.. whereas he is much further South and breeds ONLY Southerns!

That part isn't correct either as I have bred Colombian, Suriname, Guyana as well as the cherryheads. I have maintained but not bred redfoots from Bolivia and have kept redfoots from Barbados and Martinique during the 34 years I have kept G. carbonaria. All of these animals have behaved exactly the same in my experience when it comes to basking behavior.
It is true that NOW I only keep the cherryheads as I gave up the last of my Colombian animals a few years ago.
Just trying to keep the facts straight.

Carl I'm trying to determine the facts.. so we can keep them straight. I guess now we have to figure out where is North and where is South! I've always considered the Amazon river as the North-South line. So I consider the E. Brazilian's as Southern! Whether that's right or wrong isn't the issue.. just what I've always heard.. so that's what I meant when I said you breed only "Southern's".

AND since we are talking about NOW.. and I'm as far North as I am [ 750 miles of you Carl ].. the seasons are different.. so my redfoots act different than yours. How far South of Guyana is Bahia?

Interesting how this has become a geography thread.. I thought we were talking about UVB? See what I meant about threads 10 feet deep? Have we established their needs.. NO! Like Mark said.. ".. it can't hurt.. ". AND we can't even agree on that!

And Jake is probably sitting there laughing at us that don't even know how to spell........... Bye!


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AND since we are talking about NOW.. and I'm as far North as I am [ 750 miles of you Carl ].. the seasons are different.. so my redfoots act different than yours. How far South of Guyana is Bahia?

Um, I think my point has been missed........
Terry, it is IRRELEVANT where you or I live or what our seasons are.
The point I was trying to make was that wild redfoots tortoises, REGARDLESS of what population they are from, actively seek out and and bask in natural sunlight. As I mentioned, in my mind this means that there is obviously a reason for this behavior besides simple thermoregulation.
Also, if you recall, my original point was to correct the erroneous statements that redfoots are 'jungle' animals that lives in places that are covered in deep shade and therefore do not require or want sunlight. I felt this needed to corrected as it gives a very distorted view of the kind of habitat they come from.
A redfoot living in Tennessee, Florida or ANTARCTICA (!) is still a redfoot tortoise with the same requirements. The redfoots I have kept have been from all over the species' range--from the Caribbean, Colombia, Suriname, Guyana, E.Brazil, and Bolivia. But as I mentioned, they have ALL acted the same when it comes to basking behavior.
I get the impression that some feel that hatchling or young redfoots do not need natural or artificially provided sunlight for their well-being. This might be true of very young hatchlings that are naturally cryptic and spend much of their time hiding. However, soon they begin to bask as adults do. I know that mine do so pretty much from a month old on. In addition, while you may not provide UVB or natural sunlight for your very young animals, at SOME point you do as when they are large enough to go into your outdoor pens. Correct?
Lastly, when it comes to artificial lighting such as the commercial UVBs I would be very careful with them even though I would use them if I had too. For example, there are some very expensive, high output bulbs that are used for marine aquarium reef tanks. Of course these would be unsafe for the tortoises. And, as somebody already stated, many of the commercially available bulbs are entirely too powerful. You have to use common sense.


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Aug 21, 2007
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Ok, I have been following this thread and although I know little or nothing about RFs I have found if quite interesting. But now I have to chime in. Please let’s not get into spelling, punctuation and grammar or I won't be able to communicate on this forum any more. I am probably one of the worst around. If it wasn't for spell checks and thesauruses I couldn’t communicate at all.

Redfoot NERD

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I wasn't referring to Carl.. he knows how to spell Colombia [ South America ] and knows the difference between animal protein and plant protein...

Redfoot NERD

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Crazy1 said:
Ok, I have been following this thread and although I know little or nothing about RFs I have found if quite interesting. But now I have to chime in. Please let’s not get into spelling, punctuation and grammar or I won't be able to communicate on this forum any more. I am probably one of the worst around. If it wasn't for spell checks and thesauruses I couldn’t communicate at all.

Robyn what's that dinasore got to do with spelling & communicating?


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Mar 22, 2008
Ok guys thanks for all the info, now... Who wants to give me a redfoot :p :p lol Seriously though, keep it lighthearted. :D

Yvonne G

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livelycorpse said:
Ok guys thanks for all the info, now... Who wants to give me a redfoot :p :p lol Seriously though, keep it lighthearted. :D

Just curious, Livelycorpse, where are you located?



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Redfoot NERD, You know they are the ones that started the whole communication thing?? :p

Redfoot NERD

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Crazy1 said:
Redfoot NERD, You know they are the ones that started the whole communication thing?? :p

Hy Iiim Cecil..


I wernt ther... buut my grate, grate, grate, grate, grate, grate, grate, grate, grate... did I say grate? grandadi wuz ther b4 dem umans started callinng everbodi [ thhem dinasores ] by dem beeg fanci namz.. wit awl dem sillybuls. thaa jist cald evrbudy hay bak thin!

I membr mi grategrandady tawkin bout bitin 'beeg noiz' on da tows.. hit maid hit soo mad.... nevr dtd no hooo dun hit!!! Grandady sed tha uzt da laaf hat ole 'beeg noiz'.... hit cudnt reech hits tows wit doz leetl short frunt leggz!

shur glaaad dis poalz hear da leen hon...


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Aug 21, 2007
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Ha, Ha, Terry. Great Pic of Cecil. If you are like me when you have to misspell, purposely change grammar and sentence structure like you just did it take thought and work to do it. My Dog park buddies write cards to each other from the dogs, I know its silly, but we all have to work at the misspelling and bad grammar to make it sound like our dogs wrote the note. I must admit I did like the story Cecil told though. And what a wonderful way to lighten things up.
Terry, Terry, Terry, always the teacher! :D

Redfoot NERD

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Dec 5, 2007
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Crazy1 said:
Ha, Ha, Terry. Great Pic of Cecil. If you are like me when you have to misspell, purposely change grammar and sentence structure like you just did it take thought and work to do it. My Dog park buddies write cards to each other from the dogs, I know its silly, but we all have to work at the misspelling and bad grammar to make it sound like our dogs wrote the note. I must admit I did like the story Cecil told though. And what a wonderful way to lighten things up.
Terry, Terry, Terry, always the teacher! :D

Thank you Robyn..

I've always maintained:

My vocabulary isn't much... but I'm communicable.


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Jan 4, 2008
Crazy1 said:
Ha, Ha, Terry. Great Pic of Cecil. If you are like me when you have to misspell, purposely change grammar and sentence structure like you just did it take thought and work to do it. My Dog park buddies write cards to each other from the dogs, I know its silly, but we all have to work at the misspelling and bad grammar to make it sound like our dogs wrote the note. I must admit I did like the story Cecil told though. And what a wonderful way to lighten things up.
Terry, Terry, Terry, always the teacher! :D

ever go on lolcats.com ?


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Apr 23, 2008
this is NOT about uvb, but i am curious to know what type and wattage of lightbulbs you guys use for your redfoots.
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