Update on the female Russian with prolapse

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cherylim said:
I've only just seen this thread, too. How did that happen? Great six-page story! :D

Hi Cherylim!
Probably on pretend chat too much!! :) :)
That's what I am guessing!! Ha


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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You know we get a lot of posts in here with new folks totally frustrated and fearful because their tortoise is not eating. It gets so routine you give them sympathy, but stop really feeling their emotions if you know what I mean. I have to admit, TFO has reminded me just how that actually feels. The hope when you put down a pile of fresh food and maybe some forbidden item to try to tempt them to eat, then the deep emotional fall of your spirit when you see it has not been touched by them, that utter sense of you being a failure and letting down this creature under your care. They way we pounce on even what may be an imagined glance by them toward the food pile. This is just one of the many things TFO is teaching me, showing me, and reminding me for which I owe her so much. Of course, I much prefer this reminding me of the simple joy of watching your tortoise taking a bite of food that she is doing today. :D Last night was not a one time thing, she is eating again today! :D I know our biggest battle, the one of getting past whatever caused the prolapse is still ahead of us, but for today it's one for simply enjoying watching her eat.


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Jacqui said:
You know we get a lot of posts in here with new folks totally frustrated and fearful because their tortoise is not eating. It gets so routine you give them sympathy, but stop really feeling their emotions if you know what I mean. I have to admit, TFO has reminded me just how that actually feels. The hope when you put down a pile of fresh food and maybe some forbidden item to try to tempt them to eat, then the deep emotional fall of your spirit when you see it has not been touched by them, that utter sense of you being a failure and letting down this creature under your care. They way we pounce on even what may be an imagined glance by them toward the food pile. This is just one of the many things TFO is teaching me, showing me, and reminding me for which I owe her so much. Of course, I much prefer this reminding me of the simple joy of watching your tortoise taking a bite of food that she is doing today. :D Last night was not a one time thing, she is eating again today! :D I know our biggest battle, the one of getting past whatever caused the prolapse is still ahead of us, but for today it's one for simply enjoying watching her eat.

Very well said Jacqui! I agree! btw I sent your check out yesterday! I really wanted to help you with TFO's bills. I know you said it wasn't that much but I just would not feel right if I didnt help. You are such a great and caring person for helping that sweet TFO!!
She's in good hands now. :)


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Jacqui you saved her life. I told you that you were her Angel. Thank you for rescuing her. She was put in your life for a reason. And you are awesome for taking that on. Things will continue to get better. Good luck and best of wishes.


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Yay!!! That's AWESOME! I'm glad to hear she's eating. I know now everything will be alright! :)


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Jacqui said:
You know we get a lot of posts in here with new folks totally frustrated and fearful because their tortoise is not eating. It gets so routine you give them sympathy, but stop really feeling their emotions if you know what I mean. I have to admit, TFO has reminded me just how that actually feels. The hope when you put down a pile of fresh food and maybe some forbidden item to try to tempt them to eat, then the deep emotional fall of your spirit when you see it has not been touched by them, that utter sense of you being a failure and letting down this creature under your care. They way we pounce on even what may be an imagined glance by them toward the food pile. This is just one of the many things TFO is teaching me, showing me, and reminding me for which I owe her so much. Of course, I much prefer this reminding me of the simple joy of watching your tortoise taking a bite of food that she is doing today. :D Last night was not a one time thing, she is eating again today! :D I know our biggest battle, the one of getting past whatever caused the prolapse is still ahead of us, but for today it's one for simply enjoying watching her eat.

This is music to my ears. Now if you only said she had a successful poopy.
And we wonder why people think we are weird ;)


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YAY!! Happy turtle dance!!! I'm so happy! That brought tears to my eyes when I read your post! Fantastic work Jacqui! Hugs!


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Remember jacquinator. The antibiotics are every 72 hours. If you need more let me know. Id say its an internal parasite issue. Russians can cary some very aggressive parasites. The organ i remember the vey said possible what it was. Thats the key to finding the root cause. Do you have any way of getting a fecal on her to see if she is parasitized? Good thing she is eating.


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Hey Jacqui, Im so happy things are still going good now! I was wondering, has she pooped yet since the stich came out? Keep up the great work TFO's angel! :)


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Glad TFO is eating - let's hope it's smooth sailing from here on! I agree, having her checked for parasites would be a good idea.

tortadise said:
Remember jacquinator. The antibiotics are every 72 hours. If you need more let me know. Id say its an internal parasite issue. Russians can cary some very aggressive parasites. The organ i remember the vey said possible what it was. Thats the key to finding the root cause. Do you have any way of getting a fecal on her to see if she is parasitized? Good thing she is eating.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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She is in a steady pattern. She still eats a bit for breakfast. I know the other day she has some urates, because when I got home there was this thin whitish dried out layer.


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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Spn785 said:
At least thats something. Have you tried feeding aloe?

No, I don't have any. I am not sure yet, if I want to push her at this point to do anything. She did have a smear of something that looked like BM yesterday. So maybe things are slowly coming back to life.


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Jacqui said:
Spn785 said:
At least thats something. Have you tried feeding aloe?

No, I don't have any. I am not sure yet, if I want to push her at this point to do anything. She did have a smear of something that looked like BM yesterday. So maybe things are slowly coming back to life.

Thats actually why I suggested the aloe, it can help with constipation, and may be able to help TFO poop. I have a large aloe plant and can send you some if you want to try it.

Eloise's mommy

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Jan 1, 2013
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I've been waqiting to see how TFO made it through to comment...I'm so glad she is on the path to good health can't wait until she poops!!


Wanna be raiser of Lemon Drop tortoises
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I was made aware this am, when a very kind and generous member asked me how TFO was doing that I had been I guess selfish and had allowed my own emotional pain keep me from making the post I never wanted nor really thought I would have to make on this thread. Then time passed with what at the time were bigger issues to deal with and the thought of needing to make such a post slipped my mind.

I am sad to tell you, but TFO died a week or so ago. She had been quieter then usual that day, but still it was unexpected when I found out she had indeed died.

Shortly before death she passed this:

These were the harder parts of it:

I am not sure where Kelly got this from, but in one of his PMs to me when I was freshly devesated by her lose he told me "Prolapses are very tough, and have a 90% mortality rate." TFO had become a big part of my life and I don't think the death of any turtle or tortoise has ever left as big or as raw of a hole, as she did. After weeks of constant checks on her during the day and even getting up during the night, it was strange for it to come to such a sudden end. I still find myself every so often during the day starting to stop and check on her as I go by. She did teach me a lot in her short time with me.

I want to thank all of you for your support, thoughts, advise, and gifts to TFO and myself. It was very sweet and unbelievable to see how much support there was. I just wished the outcome had been the one we all had dreams of.

Thank you.


10 Year Member!
Jun 10, 2011
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So sorry Jacqui about TFO, you did everything you could and she spent the latter part of her life in very excellent hands with someone who cares deeply.
Hugs sent your way
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