Update On the Chevster!

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Oct 25, 2010
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Winter Springs, Florida A quaint little town near
Hey everyone just thought I would give you an update on Chevy!!
I have had him for two weeks and when I first got him he weighed 40g( its hard to tell because he wouldn't stop moving!) Now he fluctuates between 46-48g is this bad? Should he weigh more? He isn't that active any more but Florida just got a huge drop in temp wednesday it was 90 and thursday was 60!!! Huge change!! Do you think that is whats making him slow down? He doesnt want to eat as much but maybe he is adjusting from the switch to spring mix instead of romaine. I have a cuttle bone but he thinks it is a cuddle bone and just sleeps on it all day! Is this behavior normal for a baby Sulcata or should he be more active? He loves to sleep but I dont know if I should be concerned or not. Also how can I get Chevy to stop walking around when I am weighing him? It is so hard to weigh him accurately when he just keeps on moving!! Thanks in advance!!


J. Ellis

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What are your temperatures in the enclosure?

If romaine is what he's used to eating, include some romaine in his spring mix to tempt him to try the rest.

Is the cuttle bone on the warm end or the cold end?

The easiest way that I've found to weight mobile critters is put a tupperware container on the scale, zero out/tare the scale (so it is reading 0 with the tupperware on it), and then put the critter in the container.

Stephanie Logan

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Your photo is so unusual and interesting. I hope Chevy grows into his name and remains in your life till you will him to your grandkids! ;)


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Oct 25, 2010
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Winter Springs, Florida A quaint little town near
J. Ellis said:

What are your temperatures in the enclosure?

If romaine is what he's used to eating, include some romaine in his spring mix to tempt him to try the rest.

Is the cuttle bone on the warm end or the cold end?

The easiest way that I've found to weight mobile critters is put a tupperware container on the scale, zero out/tare the scale (so it is reading 0 with the tupperware on it), and then put the critter in the container.
Temperatures reach 110 in the basking spot during the day and at night I have a CHE on so it doesn't drop down to 70. His cool spot at night is 80 and in the day it is 80-90.
He was used to eating romaine so I will try to mix it in to entice him.
The cuttle bone is in between the warm and cool end.


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I would let him have a chance to get cooler than 80-90. A low enclosure day temp of 75 is more suitable. I would keep him cooler than night than 80 but some will disagree with me. I'd be happier with 70-75. I also think 110 is a bit hot but of course others will do that too....100 would make me happier. I would weigh a hatchling weekly, trying to keep a routine such as after eating and pooping on a Sunday or whatever you choose. If you weigh more often that that, you will see those fluctuations. Even weekly, at his tiny size, you might not see a gain every week, but you should see an overall steady upwards trend. In two weeks to go from 40 to 46 is good. I like that rate. Make sure you check the enclosure temps daily or every other day and adjust you bulb/s accordingly. Torts do get into funks and are more active some days vs. others. Important thing is that the tort gets up daily to bask and eat and move around a bit. For a hatchling, if they don't get up on their own, I would wake it and place it in the hide near the basking spot so hopefully it starts to move around and eat (you can also place it in front of the food, but they need to warm up first to eat). You may only see a couple hours of activity the entire day, spaced out between naps. But, the tort should be up and moving around every day. You can place him in a container to weigh him (just tare the container first so the scare reads zero with the container on it). For the diet, either mix in the spring mix with the romaine so over time you slowly switch over, or do a tough love approach and only feed what you want him to eat. If you find him just picking out the romaine from the mix, you may want to try tough love. After a couple days I'd be surprised if he was still on a hunger strike. Are you going to mix some other greens into the spring mix too? Good luck! Chevy is so adorable. Take lots of photos because he'll be huge soon. :)


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Oct 25, 2010
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Winter Springs, Florida A quaint little town near
tortoisenerd said:
I would let him have a chance to get cooler than 80-90. A low enclosure day temp of 75 is more suitable. I would keep him cooler than night than 80 but some will disagree with me. I'd be happier with 70-75. I also think 110 is a bit hot but of course others will do that too....100 would make me happier. I would weigh a hatchling weekly, trying to keep a routine such as after eating and pooping on a Sunday or whatever you choose. If you weigh more often that that, you will see those fluctuations. Even weekly, at his tiny size, you might not see a gain every week, but you should see an overall steady upwards trend. In two weeks to go from 40 to 46 is good. I like that rate. Make sure you check the enclosure temps daily or every other day and adjust you bulb/s accordingly. Torts do get into funks and are more active some days vs. others. Important thing is that the tort gets up daily to bask and eat and move around a bit. For a hatchling, if they don't get up on their own, I would wake it and place it in the hide near the basking spot so hopefully it starts to move around and eat (you can also place it in front of the food, but they need to warm up first to eat). You may only see a couple hours of activity the entire day, spaced out between naps. But, the tort should be up and moving around every day. You can place him in a container to weigh him (just tare the container first so the scare reads zero with the container on it). For the diet, either mix in the spring mix with the romaine so over time you slowly switch over, or do a tough love approach and only feed what you want him to eat. If you find him just picking out the romaine from the mix, you may want to try tough love. After a couple days I'd be surprised if he was still on a hunger strike. Are you going to mix some other greens into the spring mix too? Good luck! Chevy is so adorable. Take lots of photos because he'll be huge soon. :)

I try to mix in prickley pear with the greens but he turns his nose up to it which surprises me. I also feed him grassland tortoise food. I never really see him that active maybe he is active at night so I am not awake to see it.


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If the enclosure was only between 90 to 110, his lack of activity could be from it being too warm. I'd double check your temps with an accurate thermometer such as a temp gun, and aim more for 75 to 100 or so, with hides in each temperature zone. Either too hot or too cold of a gradient can lead to lack of activity. For torts to thermoregulat properly, then need a chance to both warm up and cool down. Weird you have such a picky eater. The Grassland should have a fair bit of calories in it, so thats good in combo with the romaine. You try any edible flowers like hibiscus (if you can find chemical free--which basically you have to grow yourself)? Do you have a MVB with calcium supplement? Hatchlings don't run around all day by any means, but between their naps they should go between basking and eating.


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Oct 25, 2010
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Winter Springs, Florida A quaint little town near
tortoisenerd said:
If the enclosure was only between 90 to 110, his lack of activity could be from it being too warm. I'd double check your temps with an accurate thermometer such as a temp gun, and aim more for 75 to 100 or so, with hides in each temperature zone. Either too hot or too cold of a gradient can lead to lack of activity. For torts to thermoregulat properly, then need a chance to both warm up and cool down. Weird you have such a picky eater. The Grassland should have a fair bit of calories in it, so thats good in combo with the romaine. You try any edible flowers like hibiscus (if you can find chemical free--which basically you have to grow yourself)? Do you have a MVB with calcium supplement? Hatchlings don't run around all day by any means, but between their naps they should go between basking and eating.
I have a hibiscus plant but it isnt in bloom anymore. I have a humid hide on the warm end and a hide on the cool end. I have a calcium supplement that I put on his greens. Also he walks between hides everyday but I only see him eat inside his enclosure every once in awhile I usually take him out to feed him.
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