Trying to plan for my tortoise's future...


New Member
Jul 1, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
South Carolina
Hello. I have had my Russian, Andy and two Asian (semi-aquatic) box turtles, Didi & Gogo for about 17 years. They each have their own terrarium. I'll ask you not to jump on me for this as I had joined this forum or one like it once before, looking for advice and care tips, only to be attacked for not providing proper habitats such as tabletops and tubs. This past year we started to make plans to build Andy a summer outdoor enclosure and considered putting in two small shallow ponds for Didi & Gogo. However, my life circumstances have changed dramatically over the last few months. My husband who provided most of the care for my tortoises, recently passed away. I am getting older too and the reality has hit me that these little guys will surely outlive me as well.
I would like to rehome them to someone responsible - sooner than later. I will NOT offer them up on Craigslist or anything similar. I just worry that if something should happen to me, I have no one who would take them or know what to do. No less than my dogs and cats, I want my tortoises to be cared for when I'm gone. Given that our tortoises/turtles can live so long, does anyone have a future plan in place or suggestions for pursuing safe adoption?


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Sorry to hear about your loss.
Outside of family and friends taking over the care of your animals, the only option I can think of is too try and rehome/sell them or have a reptile rescue in mind to take them.
Just be careful when adopting them out for free. Many new members will join a forum only when they see free tortoise/turtle threads, wanting a freebie just to turn around and sell them. Active members, that participate a lot are a good source. You could also check with any local zoos/aquariums to see if they would be in a position to take and want them.
Good luck and hope your around for a long time so you can care for them yourself.


New Member
Jul 1, 2018
Location (City and/or State)
South Carolina
Sorry to hear about your loss.
Outside of family and friends taking over the care of your animals, the only option I can think of is too try and rehome/sell them or have a reptile rescue in mind to take them.
Just be careful when adopting them out for free. Many new members will join a forum only when they see free tortoise/turtle threads, wanting a freebie just to turn around and sell them. Active members, that participate a lot are a good source. You could also check with any local zoos/aquariums to see if they would be in a position to take and want them.
Good luck and hope your around for a long time so you can care for them yourself.

Thank you. I agree...I would only be comfort able with rehoming them to someone with a solid posting background on a forum like this. I've been looking for a herp org in the Carolinas. Hopefully I will come across some good member sources as you say, as I look through and contribute to existing threads. If possible, I may start up plans again for the enclosure and ponds. Thanks again!

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