Tortoise Stressed from Moving?


New Member
Jan 5, 2019
Location (City and/or State)
Ontario, Canada
Hi All,

I adopted a tortoise last year who was ill to the point of collapse. He is a 20 year old male horsfield who was kept by an elderly lady who kept him in sub-standard living conditions to say the least. He was intensively cared for by exotic specialist vets and made an amazing recovery. Just recently, we moved from the UK to Canada. He has always been a little stressy about change and would stop eating if stressed.

Since moving he has not been eating well (~2 weeks ago). He is still pretty active, has the occasional slow day. He is producing urine but negligible faecal material. I'm bathing him daily in reptoboost (electrolytes, vitamins, enzymes and GI bacterial supplement) in attempt to support him. I'm just wondering what time-frame I should begin to be concerned with not eating and bring him in to work with me (I am a vet myself) for feeding tube placement? His faecals have been clear of parasites, his weight has maybe decreased ~ 7g and he has been taking in water in the bath. His temps are fine. Just want to make sure I'm doing right by him!

Thanks in advance,


Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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I wouldn't worry about a week or two.


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Feb 17, 2016
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Newport Coast, CA
Seven grams is one big poop; I wouldn’t worry about things just because he is slow after a big move. I can see why you would worry, though, as he’s been so sick before.

I wonder if that kind of daily bath with supplements—is really good for him after a move—it seems like a lot of interruption? But you know his needs best.