The meaning of life?


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Oct 26, 2014
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Your phone has obviously never tried keto.

had to google that there lol. im actually one of these really lucky people that can eat as much junk as i want and dont put weight on! smoke and drank since i was 12
I don't exercise at all ( work aside ) pushing 30... have a 28'' waist line, only weight 9st have a resting pulse of around 60bpm and blood pressure of an athlete?! ... karma is gonna kick my *** aint lol

Eric Phillips

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Jul 19, 2014
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"Momma always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."


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Nov 17, 2012
The meaning of life is .....preparation for eternity

mike taylor

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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
You'll be dead way longer than you'll be alive . So don't think about the end make everyday as if it was your last . Just be yourself .


The member formerly known as captain awesome
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Aug 15, 2008
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I get in trouble when I'm myself

mike taylor

Well-Known Member
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Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 28, 2012
Then that's being yourself . I'm a trouble maker myself .


New Member
Jun 2, 2014
Well I am about to be the odd ball in this conversation. I can only tell you what my experience has been. If it wasn't for my relationship with God I would not be here today. He has filled the emptiness in my heart, given me the ability to love beyond what I thought I was capable of. Given me comfort through much tragedy and made my life so worth while. I have also seen God have this affect on others first hand when they accepted Jesus into their life... Such dramatic change. There are a lot of misconceptions about Christianity a lot of people who have really given a bad example of what it is all about. I would implore anyone to examine it for themselves. God has given me the experience He has promised... You know every time I look at one of these adorable tortoises I think about how awesome God is. Some look at the earth and the cool animals and see it as an cosmic accident. I have never seen it that way. I have always been amazed and in wonder of a master creator and designer of these cool creatures and beauty that surrounds us that overwhelms me. Just my 2 cents if you have questions about God you can go to answers to just about any question you can think of. You are a unique creation of God and He is very interested in your life and He loves you desperately and wants a personal relationship with you. Your life has great value to Him.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2014
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South Florida
Meaning of life ?
It's probable most all living things other than humans ( blame our overdeveloped frontal lobe) never contemplate such things.
The simplicity all other life enjoys makes such ideas useless.

They live by simple motivating instincts and desires:
The chief of which is to stay alive
Find shelter - safety
Get along with others of their kind( if that's how they evolved) or avoid others and predators.

We humans have all the same needs, but because we are able to so drastically manipulate our environment, most people ( in the developed world, anyway) have very little struggle with the basics. We have both the time and the capacity for more complex thought.

And so we want there to be more. We have a deep desire for more significance. We create art , music, , philosophy, religions, science. We write books and build edifices to ourselves. We want to know things. Not just in our immediate environment but beyond - space, time, existence itself.

Animals , plants, everything we would term " alive" is in this state for the briefest of time ( including us) and then passes on their genetics if they can ,,and returns to the food chain. Heck , most of them don't even have a concept of mortality - they don't know they're going to die -cease to exist.
And even if they did, it would likely be the least of their worries compared to day to day survival.

Not Humans. We contemplate the past and worry about the future. And know we will die. We think symbolically. We search for meaning . It is both exhilarating and sobering at the same time.

What is the meaning of life? I don't think that question has any significance.

What is the meaning I attach to my own life? Now that question might be worth answering.... and to me ...

It is what you decide it is. And changes and flexes with your world view. It is amazing we humans find ourselves even able to contemplate a philosophical question like this.

Both a blessing and a curse.

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