Sick sulcata

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Sep 6, 2010
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Southern California
I have an adult pair of sulcatas. Approximately 17 to 19 years old. I have having some problems with my male. My male(90 pounds) has had to go to a well respected herp vet 2 times recently and I have not seen any improvement. I am not posting this to say anything bad about the vet, but instead, possibly someone has encountered this situation before and can give some advice.
He was taken to the vet on 8/16 due to not eating for about a week and him heavily favoring his front left leg. The vet took some bloodwork and prescribed some Metacam injections. The results of the bloodwork showed a slight elevation in the white blood cells and a slightly lower than normal liver enzymes. There were no signs of signs of any visible physical injuries.
I took him back to the vet on 8/24, where he has been precribed Amikacin. It is given every 3 days, so I have 2 treatments remaining to give. x-rays were also done which were negative for any breaks, gout or anything. I also requested an x-ray of the stomach and nothing abnormal showed up. Since he still had not been eating, he suggested I give him a Ensure type product(which I am still giving).
It has been close to a month of showing no interest in food and will not eat anything, including all his favorites. He still is heavily favoring his left front leg.
I have dealt with numerous sick reptiles over the last 12 to 13 years. From experience, I would think I would have started to see some improvement by now.
Anybody have any ideas.

Yvonne G

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Hi Lancecham:

Welcome to the forum!

Maybe a different vet is in order. I don't know what could be wrong with your sulcata, but not eating for that length of time means something IS terribly wrong. As you know, they are eating machines.

Have you tried offering him something on the "do not feed" list, like iceburg lettuce or fruit? Something that would tempt him to eat?

Is there a university near you that specializes in veterinary education? Sometimes they have a pretty good handle on reptile medicine. Or maybe the vet at your zoo can help you. Don't be afraid to call around. Your tortoise's life might be at stake.


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Sep 6, 2010
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Southern California
Thanks for the quick response. I know something is very wrong.
I have tried any and every food item(both good and bad), but to no avail.
I have used this vet for over 10 years and have been extremely happy with him. He is also very well known in my area for his expertise in reptiles.
I will finish out the medication this week and may have to look to another vet if his condition does not improve. I will consult with the vet tomorrow anyways.
Since both his lack of eating and left leg injury appeared together, I assume they are related.
But what I am puzzled about is that since there are no breaks, gout or anything, then it could be an infection, but why isn't there any improvement this far along in the antibiotics? If there was some soft tissue damage, I would think the pain would have subsided enough for him to start eating again.
Any other ideas?


The Dog Trainer
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I'm stumped, but I'll be watching with great interest to learn from your situation. I really hope he gets better.


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Sep 6, 2010
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I guess it is a possibility it could be a muscle pull. Not sure about a bite. I don't see any marks or anything. We do have plenty of black widow spiders where we live, so I guess that is possible.

I am not sure on which liver enyzme, but I can find out.

I really appreciate the help thus far. I have received a couple PM's as well that were very insightful as well.


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2009
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Sorry to hear about your ill Sulcata. A friend of mine that lives in North Carolina had a problem with her 32lb "Spike". He was 8/9 years and "stopped eating". Wouldn't take favorite foods by hand, and appeared very lethargic[no apparent injuries]. Because he wouldn't eat--- she was unable to look in his mouth-- after about 7 days---took him to the Vet at the University, who did an extensive work-up after finding a "growth" in the "roof" of Spike's mouth. WBC and liver enzymes were elevated. Biopsy of aspirated fluid from the growth revealed-- esophogeal cancer. A feeding tube was put in, while waiting to determine if there was metastises. Vet told her the MRI was inconclusive and there was no real protecol for chemo and tortoises. This all happened in a span of about 4 weeks and because she felt Spike was suffering, she had him put to sleep[and she has been crying ever since]. I know your guy is much bigger and I'm not trying to infer the same situation--- but are he tongue and gums pink and wet? Is he drinking and hydrated? How is the female?


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Sep 6, 2010
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Annieski said:
Sorry to hear about your ill Sulcata. A friend of mine that lives in North Carolina had a problem with her 32lb "Spike". He was 8/9 years and "stopped eating". Wouldn't take favorite foods by hand, and appeared very lethargic[no apparent injuries]. Because he wouldn't eat--- she was unable to look in his mouth-- after about 7 days---took him to the Vet at the University, who did an extensive work-up after finding a "growth" in the "roof" of Spike's mouth. WBC and liver enzymes were elevated. Biopsy of aspirated fluid from the growth revealed-- esophogeal cancer. A feeding tube was put in, while waiting to determine if there was metastises. Vet told her the MRI was inconclusive and there was no real protecol for chemo and tortoises. This all happened in a span of about 4 weeks and because she felt Spike was suffering, she had him put to sleep[and she has been crying ever since]. I know your guy is much bigger and I'm not trying to infer the same situation--- but are he tongue and gums pink and wet? Is he drinking and hydrated? How is the female?
Sorry to hear about your friend's sulcata. My boy is very lethargic as well. I had a good chance of watching him this weekend. For the most part he will just sit there. Once a day, he will move to another location of the yard. But that is about it. But I am not sure it is due to the posssible injury/infection to the leg. The gums and tongue appear pink. He is not drinking and I have been hydrating him.
I have two females and they are perfectly fine.
I will be calling the vet today. I think he may need to re-think a course of action.


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My sulcata stopped eating last year for about a week or so.I soaked him every day for a half hour or so in luke warm water and after a few days he let loose! He was backed up.I could not believe how much stool came out of him.I know you said you had xrays done and im sure something like that would have showed up.Maybe the warm water would help with a sore muscle too, It may be worth trying, atleast for a couple of days.Anyways, Good luck,tom.


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Thanks for the concerns. I did speak with the vet yesterday. I will be bringing back in on Monday. HE will get re-examined and since it is very difficult to force feed the correct amount liquids and nutrients, a feeding tube will be inserted.
I am hoping for the best.


5 Year Member
Oct 18, 2009
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Edison, N.J.
At this point, you have done everything you are able to do for your tortoise. I'm glad you still have "hope for the best". I will think of you and your tort, often. Please continue to update.


I'm sorry to hear about your tort, I am wishing you both the best


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Sep 6, 2010
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Thanks for the kind remarks, I appreciate it.
I got back from the vet last night. Tommy made it through the procedure to insert the feeding tube. The feeding tube works very well. Now I don't have to fight him in getting the essential nutrients and water into him. At 90 pounds, he would win every time.
A different antibiotic was prescribed. So now it is a waiting game and see if he responds.
I am hoping for the best.


Glad to hear he made it through the procedure ok. Hoping for the best


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Lancecham said:
A different antibiotic was prescribed. So now it is a waiting game and see if he responds.
I am hoping for the best.

Sending your fella a prayer. Hope you find what it is and he springs back fully recovered.
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