She's hoping to move back into my bedroom this weekend!

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
You guys know that I've been accomplishing some renovation work and Matilda had to move into the bathroom. You can just see her hiding in the 45D fitting on the right.

This past week I had 2 big bad issues present themselves. Both were completely unrelated yet life-changing for others and both needed immediate attention. The emotional drain alone is difficult but doing it without sleep and without showing any stress is monumental. I am spent but one person is where they need to be and hopefully God is watching out for the other. Sometimes we feel that we are just "doing the next right thing" and sometimes when others are in crisis, it's exactly what we should do.

After such a sucky 7 days,

Yesterday I got a set of 3 "good new's" yesterday, yup 3! I got confirmation that my nightstands will finally arrive tomorrow AND Vincent's in the Bronx has confirmed that today will be Steak day when I get home AND Kerry's coming over this weekend to hang out & help me move furniture around so I can complete this project!

Matilda can move back into my room with me and life can go on, "happily ever after". Got to say though, it's weird to hear Kerry talking to Matilda when she's using that bathroom. LOL


Christmas story...cause I'm rambling,

A lot of us have had products from Omaha steaks....not bad stuff but not "fantastic" I'm not knocking them. During covid, I ordered several times from Kansas Steaks, 12-16oz Strips...and they were "fantastic". All USDA Prime stickers, all great, very expensive. I searched for and found another place, Vincents. I had difficulty with the $100 difference in steak cost(for 12) between Kansas Steaks and Vincent's and tried Vincents'. Wow, all with stickers-USDA Prime, same quality, 100 bucks less!

The only reason I went back to Kansas at Christmas was that they offered gift boxes and made ordering for everyone easy.

At Christmas this year, I bought a few Kansas Steak Duo's to be sent as gifts to out of State family....I also bought one "For Jeff, from Jeff". When I received the box, opened/ate....I ripped Kansas Steaks a "new one". Their quality has tanked, not a single sticker on the meat, while of course getting even more expensive. What an embarrassment, period. To their credit, they did offer "to make it right"..... whatever that means to them because I'm rather sure that our expectations would be very different! No, they can keep it's just my cost for the lesson is how I see it AND I did get christmas gifts to everyone even if they weren't what I had expected.

Their cost is in every future order I make somewhere else.

jeff kushner

Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
Location (City and/or State)
North of Annapolis
She must have gotten up after I left at 4am. She's taking a nap now but she ate strawberry for breakfast, I don't think she likes blackberry, prob stepped on it but then she drank and took her morning "constitutional" in her bowl. I give her credit, she drinks the clear water before defecating in her bowl but it seems counterintuitive that she would wreck her water source.....her only source right now. 1-27pm.jpg

I'm thinking that since she's not using the other hide, when her stand is located in my room, I'll relocate the other hide and increase her water space to dinner plater size. I've got the square red ones from Target so she'll love the red color. I think the depth of those might be ideal too. We'll see. I'm just happy she's getting bigger finally due to the help I got here.

Matilda's nice to have around when Kerry and my kids are busy.....she doesn't *****, doesn't talk my ear off, doesn't make a mess in my space, never tries to change the know, add couple more things that she's lacking, and Kerry would be in a run for the money landing me as a

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